HomeProduct ReviewsSEO LinkVine Review (Brad Callen) – Increase Keyword Rankings in No Time

SEO LinkVine Review (Brad Callen) – Increase Keyword Rankings in No Time

SEO LinkVine Review (Brad Callen)  – Increase Keyword Rankings in No Time

In the past few years, article marketing has proved its worth  as one of the best ways to build quality, relevant backlinks, as well as a way to get relevant and targeted traffic to a website. However, fruition of the efforts that most site owners and marketers have induced with this method takes time in reality. But now that’s about to change. Brad Callen has just released a system called SEOLinkVine which is set to make speed up the article marketing process and help you see results in a much shorter period of time.

SEOLinkVine is designed to be a 100% white hat, ethical and long term strategy, according to its founder Brad Callen. Callen also adds that the main intention of this system is to produce real and organic one-way backlinks and not to trick Google. SEOLinkVine’s goal is to simply place one-way backlinks to highly related and on-topic pages within its network, and that’s it.       

How does SEOLinkVine Work? 

  1. Write an article or find freelance writers to outsource the task.
  2. Add backlinks on the article’s content or resource box for the targeted keywords.
  3. Submit the article to SEOLinkVine
  4. Then SEOLinkVine will distribute and publish the submitted article throughout their network of websites, making thousands of one-way quality backlinks.

“Content is King”, is what most experts say. But what’s the use of a King if no-one knows about it?. Needless to say, the strength and value of submitting articles to top article submission sites such as Ezinearticles.com is a great method for getting a website noticed. The only issue with this method is that building links and recognition one site at a time takes weeks, if not months. 

This is a very frustrating scenario at times, as the only option for marketers and site owners is to wait for their submitted articles to be republished by other site owners to their websites or blogs. The good news is that SEOLinkVine.com gives you back the control by allowing submitted articles to get republished and exposed faster through its network of thousands of websites. And for those with any doubts, Brad Callen emphasizes that these are real websites owned by real people.

SEOLinkVine focuses on giving positive results by syndicating and distributing articles faster. In turn, this makes it much easier for site owners and marketers to generate more quality backlinks, increase search engine rankings for targeted keywords and eventually drive relevant and free traffic to their websites in no time at all.

Anyone who’s interested can get instant and full access to SEOLinkVine for only $67 (currently discounted from the regular price of $197) — and is set to be offered for a limited time only. It is also a risk free system, as Callen offers  a money-back guarantee if members don’t see any results and are unable to  increase in backlinks within the first 56 days. 

As you can see, Brad Callen is very confident about his program, since it was solely developed to benefit marketers who are serious in dominating their competition and making their online businesses successful. I recommend you start using SEOLinkVine now while the special discount is still available.

2 Comments Add your comment
  • Reply Kathaleen Dunford5394 days ago


    I just read where people are having problems with SEO LinkVine - the speed of syndication of articles is extremely slow. What would be causing this problem?

    Ezine articles can be a thorn in the side. Even when an article is 91% unique they refuse to publish the article.

  • Reply Brad Callen5392 days ago

    Hi Crystal, Mark asked me to pop in real quick and address your comment. The speed of article syndication is actually very fast if SEOLV is used correctly. There are 2 potential problem areas that I see with anyone mentioning slow syndication and those are:

    1. Their rewrite % is below 30%. It needs to be above 30%, at the bare minimum, otherwise your article will not be presented to over half of the blog owners. Most blog owners set, as a criteria, that they want to only receive content that is over 30% unique. If you can get your rewrite % up to 80% unique, you'll see 100x the results.

    2. They're not submitting to very many categories and subcategories. Most believe they are, but in reality they're not. You'll want to submit to the MAX number of categories/subcategories that you are permitted. Go as broad as you can (within reason of course).

    A few of our users have actually written short reports on how to get 10x the results with SEOLV by spending a bit more time focusing on #1 above. It really does make a HUGE difference.

    Have a great day.


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