The entire Internet is built around one thing. Content. Words (and to a smaller extent videos) are what give search engines like Google something to do. Content is such a fundamental part of the internet that those who understand it have made a LOT of money... I'm talking billions.
The business model of content is not a big secret. It has been taught in various forms around internet marketing circles for years. Demand media (worth somewhere between 1 and 2 billion dollars) even has it posted on their mission statement.
This business model, on a smaller scale, is what the Adsense 100k Blueprint (written by Michael Ullman and Adam Franklin) teaches in specific detail.
Here is the model in a nutshell...
1. Find keywords that have good commercial value, but relatively little competition.
2. Create content around those keywords.
3. Get that content ranking in the search results.
4. Monetize the traffic by running ads.
5. Repeat.
It is about the most simple model you will find. But don't be fooled, because it works. And as long as people go to the internet for information, it will continue to work.
So if you have been running in circles, digging yourself deeper and deeper into information overload. It might be time you got back to the basics.
Basics like this.
That site is one of the examples used in the Adsense100k course. It's reported to have made the owners over $50/day for well over a year before it was sold on.
So let's have a closer look at this Adsense 100k Blueprint.
The Good
When I first sat down to read through the Blueprint (which is 120 pages of PDF goodness) I expected to just do a quick skim and maybe find a few 'nuggets' of information I didn't already know.
Yet I ended up reading the whole thing, almost cover to cover.
Not because it was groundbreaking stuff. I mean, if you've been through AffiloBlueprint or spent a great deal of time with the free lessons here at Affilorama you will be familiar with most of the concepts in the Adsense Blueprint.
What is refreshing (and what makes it so readable) is the way the authors have put everything together. It's clear from reading that they really do spend most of their time building the type of site they teach you about.
The content starts off with a quick intro and outline of their philosophy etc. etc.
Then it dives right into giving good basic instruction on how to do every step of their process. But as far as theory and the 'big picture' goes, it doesn't get much more complicated than the 5-step formula I mentioned above.
On page 94 though, is something really cool. A week by week plan that you can follow to the letter.
Here's a quote:
"This "Action Plan" is drawn from our own in-house efforts. As we tested and tracked different backlinking strategies through trial-and-error, we "reality-tested" what we were seeing against what other expert SEO's were doing and seeing. This included Webmasterworld, SEOBook, SearchEngineLand, and SEOChat.
What resulted was a simple-to-follow, relatively 'easy' set of steps for which we could achieve high Page 1 rankings on most of our chosen keyword phrases. If you choose your keywords reasonably well and follow the plan, you can expect similar results."
"If you choose your keywords reasonably well" - I think that's the key right there. This plan is simple. If you follow it you will get high rankings. But how much money you make will depend a lot on the quality of the keywords you choose. They do offer good advice on selecting keywords, but this is one area where you can expect to go through some 'experiential learning'.
The Bad Not As Good
I really tried hard to find fault with the Adsense Blueprint. But it's hard. The course is simple. But that is by design.
It doesn't promise to be and do everything. Just a robust, solid plan for building money-making sites.
It doesn't have tons of fancy videos. So if you're after flash you're gonna be disappointed.
And if you're going to be picky... yes... you probably could find all the information in this course for free somewhere. BUT...
#1 You would waste hours and hours of your time pulling all the info together.
#2 You would have to spend even more time (and money) testing out everything for yourself to separate the good ideas from the BS... and...
#3 This is the case with ANY information product. What you are really paying for is the time you save figuring it all out for yourself (Not to mention the headaches, eye-strain, and heartbreaking failures).
Where it does fall down a little, is that the traffic strategies only focus on a few methods. Expect the usual suspects such as Article writing, Guest Blogs, Web 2.0 stuff, Blogs/Forums and so on. But then again, those are all methods that have been proven to work.
If you're tired of chasing every new method or scheme for building websites or making money online, then get yourself a copy of the Adsense 100k Blueprint.
It's not as in-depth as more expensive courses like AffiloBlueprint. But it is a solid (and proven) strategy, and it's written by guys with tons of real-world experience.
It is also very affordable at just $47. This includes regular (free) updates when things change (such as with the Panda updates earlier in 2011).
Note: I think Adam and Michael read my mind about that traffic issue. Because now they have released another product called the Traffic 100k Blueprint. Which is a very detailed 128 pages of traffic-getting strategies and methods. So if you get sick of writing articles to promote your Adsense sites, or want to mix things up a bit, you can choose from one of the more than 23 different ideas in here to boost your traffic.
It has some really good suggestions on how to increase conversions on your sites too.
Traffic 100k Blueprint is also priced at $47.
To claim you copy of either of these courses (which deliver a ton of value for the price) before these guys regain their senses and put the price up... Click the link below.
Click Here for the Adsense 100k Blueprint (Robust plan for Adsense commissions)
Click Here for the Traffic 100k Blueprint (Additional traffic strategies)
Thanks for that clear & honest review, Haden!
We invite questions, and will keep an eye here to answer any that get posted.
Michael Ullman
Author, "Adsense $100k Blueprint" & "Traffic $100k Blueprint"
How would you rate the difficulty or amount of work compared to AffiloJetpack? In Jetpack, I need to rewrite at least 20 articles for on page SEO, rewrite the articles in its newsletters, do off-page SEO etc.
Would you say this Adsense blueprint is 50% of the amount of work required by Jetpack? or 10%?
Is there any parts that people might get stuck on? Like in Jetpack, they said people often get stuck on keyword research, or articles writing, or getting traffic, or converting traffic into sales. What's the most likely obstacles for this Adsense blueprint?
What's the average time for an average person, not absolute starter but someone who knows how to build a website, to start seeing $50 a day from a website?
Mark Ling quoted 3 weeks for his AffiloJetpack, but I'm guessing it is probably the quickest possible for experience marketer. But I'm not that experience, I would like a more realistic number.
Hi Shinkee, there is less work than AffiloJetpack to complete a website, as this doesn't require you to build a mailing list as AffiloJetpack is trying to help you to earn long term repeat commissions from your email marketing efforts. I'd say it is not 'less work' involved if you are trying to make, say, $50 a day.
However there is about 50% less work involved in getting your website completed by following this method.
I didn't quote 3 weeks to be making $50 a day with affilojetpack. I said that it took 3 weeks for my weimaraner site, which i used in the affilojetpack examples, to be making over $50 a week from the natural seo rankings which arose from it. I am always careful not to make income claims as it can be very difficult to judge this as that depends on whether or not people build their sites correctly, whether or not people get traffic to their websites (either through following our seo training or through paid traffic) and so forth. Money will be made by using affilojetpack, though to give a timeframe on it is very difficult as it takes time to build up a website's authority (though certainly very fast with PPC if you do it correctly).
Why hasn't anyone answered shinkee's question ? I am curious about the same thing after reading his question !
Thank you
I agree with shinkee's question. After reading it I wonder the same thing. Did anyone give him an answer ?
Just answered :)
i have 2 cents to put in here... hey shinkee... this is my first time hearing about the 100k adsense blueprint and it might be a good program... but if u already have affiloblueprint, which is a good course... then stick with it... trust me, just stay down with this program or eventually you will find yourself purchasing product after product without returns. in hopes of the next legitamate product that will make this whole internet marketing thing easier. hope this helps!! Good luck shinkee...
Interesting, thanks for the heads-up about another shiny new product to explore. I am a little confused though, I don't see any ads on the pages. Is the example site before “Adsense” ads are added?
Thanks for the article. Your links are affiliate links correct? Okay we probably all knew that anyway but it would be perhaps nice if you disclosed that! ;)
Great review!
I was looking for some valuable info about this 100K Adsense blueprint before deciding about buying it!
Thanks! :)
..... btw, apparently there's a version 3 of the course which just came out, so maybe it will be even better!
I have been following Adsense 100k Blueprint since Marks special one off lifetime update offer for all their products in February 2012 and have found their training really suits my objectives.
So much so that in May after their "free sample" webinar where they offered a great discount monthly price on their exclusive $100k Results bi-weekly live Q & A and Training webinars including full access to their $100k Results! members forum and resources, I did not hesitate to sign up.
Since then their first rate training has included up to the minute details on the effects of Panda and Penguin, and the benefit of their (and their members) extensive experience in avoiding getting hit by these ongoing changes.
Since September they have been going into detail on applying their newly released V3 Blueprint products.
Sorry Mark, but I've jumped ship to follow Michael, Adam and Kevin.
In reality the Adsense 100k blueprint has come unstuck. The team are trying to get out too many things at once. There is a massive backlog of "done for you" websites that were meant to be delivered in September. There is a mass exodus of the best Marketers on the Forum and the results paid membership isn't able to deliver what it was meant to be.
Michael Ulman deletes the honest posts and only leaves the posts that massage his ego.
For someone who knows nothing about IM, there's plenty of info to take note of. For anyone else, it's a waste of time.
how much does it cost?
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