The advance of the Internet into our lives – and our businesses – has lead to the inevitable event of dozens of people trying to teach you how to make money from it with no effort. And every time you hear that claim you can be sure it’s a lie – because no matter what you do, you can never secure a long-term stable income from anything that doesn’t take effort, Internet or not.
With that in mind, the Consumer Wealth System immediately strikes as interesting, as it doesn’t try to lie to you and convince you that you’ll be rolling in cash with a few clicks of the mouse; the authors are actually quite blunt and honest with you in telling you that you will have to sweat a lot until you’ve got that money.
So far so good – but initial impressions are hardly ever enough to make a solid decision about something – so how well does the Consumer Wealth System actually fare when using it?
What you’re buying is essentially a course, a guide that contains ideas on how to secure good income from the Internet, but also covering some of the important steps in establishing your business’s online identity and stabilizing it for the long run. The guide is split up nicely into chapters, each covering a different concept in depth and stopping to give plenty of examples all the time.
What’s good about the Consumer Wealth System is that it actually takes time to prepare you for the contents of the course properly, by guiding you through the concepts you’ll meet in the introduction. That way, when you start getting deeper into the book, you won’t find yourself feeling stupid because you’re being told something that looks like you should’ve already known it. That introduction also discusses one very important topic, how to set your mind to the goal of developing your system properly – something which you’ll find to be much more important than having the right specialized knowledge later on.
There’s also an in-depth guide on how to narrow down your choice of market and how to pick your target audience. Finding the right product to promote has always been a problematic topic for most who’re starting out in this business – and the Consumer Wealth System has a lot of information dedicated to this particular topic. In no time you’re going to learn how to aim your efforts at specific layers of the market, and you’ll even be able to target some higher-level entities (and not just consumers).
If you’re a bit rusty on your technical knowledge, this will be covered in the guide as well – though we’ll have to admit that we were a bit disappointed with the section that dealt with hosting types, as some things could’ve been explained a lot better. In addition, the part on installing your website misses out some important details (mostly related to security), and even though you’ll eventually learn those things by yourself in most cases, it’s still a good idea to know them as early as possible.
Comparative Results
So, does the Consumer Wealth System live up to its hype and work better than the other popular systems on the market? To be honest, it’s hard to tell right now, after a few months of use and examining the community of its users. On one hand, it does have a great potential for some significant earnings – but on the other, we’re not entirely sure whether it’s better than some of the other products we’ve tried recently.
What does help it stand out against its competition though, is the precision with which some of the tricky procedures are described – that is, while with some guides you’ll just get a general overview of what you need to do and you’re expected to fill the gaps yourself, with the Consumer Wealth System you’ll actually learn how to do everything step by step, making it the ideal guide for those who’re just starting out and are still learning the ropes.
We felt that the part dealing with writing issues could’ve been handled better – for the most part, it concentrates on coming up with powerful copywriting text yourself. And while doing your own sales copies is a good thing and can definitely save you some money, it’s also something which you’ll eventually start outsourcing entirely and this is something that we felt wasn’t covered as well as it should be.
Pricing and Support
In this aspect, we’re willing to forgive the authors of the Consumer Wealth System for their small shortcomings we mentioned above, as the product is priced very competitively and is easily available. This is unlike some other products of a similar type which commonly try to lure in consumers with fake hype building exercises like limited availability and what not.
In addition, you’ll also get great support upon buying the guide, which doesn’t just include the regular frequent e-mail updates, but also direct live chat and even support over the phone if you need it. This is definitely something not many other guides are offering (in fact, with the majority of others you’d be lucky to get as much as an e-mail from the author once you’ve given them your money).
A guide obviously aimed at those with less experience and technical knowledge who’d like to learn as much as possible about the process of setting up their business in-depth, the Consumer Wealth System is a great choice if you’re still trying to figure out some aspects of online marketing. Even if something’s not made clear in the guide itself, the friendly support will be there for you, ready to answer any questions you may have, so you shouldn’t really have any problems learning good marketing with this baby.
On the other hand, for those of you who already know the more basic details and want a guide that deals with abstract strategies and more complex ideas, this may be a bit under what you’re looking for – but you should still definitely have a look at what it offers, as we can always learn something new from the most unexpected places.
Make sure you at least check it out here
Note: The views and opinions of the author of this guest post may not represent the views and opinions of Affilorama.