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Why I fear mass article submission

Posts: 20
Joined: 28 Oct 06

Why I fear mass article submission

After spending months adding content to my cancer site, I have now begun the offpage promotion in earnest. Every day I write a new article and submit it to five or so of the best article directories (ezine, searchwarp, goarticles, etc).

In my research I constantly stumble across sites in the same niche I am, and obviously with the same intent (adsense monetization), but with HUNDREDS, upon HUNDREDS, upon HUNDREDS of article submissions to every article directory in existence. And yet, according to the admittedly unreliable and skewed traffic stats of Alexa, they usually seem to have horrible ranking compared to me (them: 5,000,000, me: 1,300,000). It seems strange that they can have so little traffic with so many "doors" open all across the web.

I wonder if there's potential penalties or red flags against your site if you have a ridiculous amount of links all coming from every article directory in existence and little else? I wonder if my strategy is better: submitting only unique and QUALITY articles to a handful of the more trusted directories?

I dunno. Just thinking out loud.
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Posts: 1083
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No penalties. It is impossible to have a link from another site make your site look bad, unless you link back the bad site. Besides, the original content is on YOUR site first, so there is no harm. Keep on submitting.

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Posts: 20
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Then what is the explanation for all these competing sites I see? It seems impossible that they can have such shitty traffic stats with so many articles out there.
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Posts: 1083
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Take alexa with a grain of salt..... in fact, don't even worry about Alexa.... they only count statistics for people who have the alexa toolbar installed on their browser...

example.... let's say the number 1 visited site in the world.... was visited by people that did NOT have the alexa toolbar installed on internet explorer.... alexa would give that site a ranking less than your long lost cousins personal homepage on tripod...

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Site Admin
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Article submissions arent everything, that is just one way of building links and traffic.

Yes they can be very important, but there could be many other factors why their sites are performing poorly.

They may have set off red flags by doing things such as linking to poor quality sites, they may have poorly siloed sites. They may not have much good content on their sites. The content on their sites may be entirely unedited private label rights content, and they may not have edited it to make it original. They may have submitted their articles recently, hence google hasn't crawled them yet to give them the benefit. Their sites may be relatively new compared to yours and hence are still sandboxed. You may have one or more links from high pr sites that they don't have (100 links from a pr3 site, for example, is not as good as a couple of pr6 links) And so forth.

As you can see, there could be numerous other reasons other than just articles as to why their sites are performing poorly.

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Of course, I'm sure you both are right.

It's just paranoia on my part; paranoia because I have yet to see a dime from this. Paranoia because article writing is such a chore for me that I fear forcing myself to do it for such a long time will lead to.. nothing. Once I get a taste, I'm sure it will get easier.
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Posts: 1004
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Starting out definitely is the hard part. Just keep at it, in a couple of months, you'll be laughing. :)
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Don't worry about alexa...

Just submit articles and set up your blog. After 3 months, you'll see the results..
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
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