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What pages do you recommend to make as NON INDEX

Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13

What pages do you recommend to make as NON INDEX

Hey all
can someone suggest what pages are better as non indexed on the website????
i'm thinking about making some of my articles as non index cos i don't really target any specific phrase....?

tnx :-)
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chek my website
Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
The only pages I don't want indexed are all the mandatory legal pages, like privacy policy, any disclaimers etc. Also any download pages like where an e-book link is shown.

Not allowing pages to get indexed because you aren't targeting anything seems like over kill to me, you'd be surprised at what the search engines will find on your pages and decide to rank them for, things you never would have thought of maybe.

This is why it's always a good reason to check your analytics for what keywords and referrals you ARE getting so you can expand on them, make them better (because if you weren't targeting something but are ranking, think about how much better the page would rank if you actually did target something). It's getting harder these days though thanks to google not showing keyword data. meh.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13
Hey tankctrlr
tnx for replying
So let say i'll make non index to pages like: thank you page, ebook download,confirmation ETC...??
and what do you think about no follow in them ? and also no follow in all the posts or at list 80% of them cos the affiliate links do take some link juice from the page....??

tnx in advanced
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chek my website
Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
Yeah, don't let search engines index thank you pages or any pages you don't want people to be able to get to. Also if for some reason search engines still index something try using a "Robots.txt" file, to block them better.

You should always no-follow your affiliates links and you should always "Mask / Cloak" your affiliate links.

Learn about masking affiliate links, don't let google follow your affiliate links without no-follow and without being masked, especially if you are going to have a lot of them on a website, you might be seen as a spammer if you do not no-follow + mask aff. links.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13
So i'll go to all of my posts and will do "No Follow" in all of them...!?
I cloaked my affiliate links from start so it should be ok.
I wonder why Mark Didn't mention that in affiloblueprint ? though he explained what is no follow links but never mentioned to make theme has no follow (for a better seo optimization).

Thank you so much for your kind help
appreciate it :-)
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chek my website
Posts: 210
Joined: 16 Oct 09
Yeah no-follow has a few advantages like with shaping page rank for your inner pages (really geeky SEO stuff) but mostly for not letting google think you're a spammer.

google doesn't like links with commercial intent to pass page-rank (like paid links, you HAVE to no-follow a paid link), so adding a no-follow will tell google not to use it for ranking (google will still go to the page you're linking to but it won't count toward any ranking or your website's reputation, at least that's what they tell us lol).

I'm even no-following Guest-Post links as well, not going to take the chances, but that is up to you if you plan on working with guest bloggers posting content on your sites.
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Writing Services - www.needanarticle.com
Posts: 34
Joined: 18 Jan 13
Thank you so much for your help tankctrlr :-)

i'll do no follow from now on in my posts ....

have a great day
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chek my website
Posts: 1
Joined: 15 Jan 09
I wondered about the non index and no follow as well.
Great info.
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Posts: 10
Joined: 18 Jun 12
After reading this thread and watching a video on a related SEO subject, I decided to look what Google had indexed for one of my sites by Googling " site:mywebsite.com" .
WOW !!! half the pages indexed were rubbish. I don't know how attachments even get indexed , but I found 10. Another 10 with no content just a few letters for a title. Many many more with no purpose at all, so I set about removing them from the site and asking Google thru webmaster tools to remove the URLs from the index. A few weeks later, I was rewarded with a jump in rankings from 5 to 2 !! And a consequent increase in income....
So get rid of your rubbish pages guys, it will benefit you. This is a site that I haven't touched for months, no new links or content, so the ONLY change was deleting the rubbish from Googles index.

One question though ... INDEXES AND LINKS

I found lots of URLs similar to " http://mywebsite.com/wp-content/plugins ... stomIcons/ " ie. indexes
Links like my redirected affiliate links eg " mywebsite.com/special offer teapot/b "
. Does anyone know can I get rid of these from Googles index and stop them being reindexed, too please ?
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