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what is meant by ip canonicalization?

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what is meant by ip canonicalization?

Hi, Friends
Please described IP Canonicalization with example.
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IP canonicalization is a technique sometimes used for SEO (search engine optimization). When a site's IP address is canonicalized, the IP address redirects to the domain name.
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Canonicalization is the process of selecting the appropriate website URL if many options exist. For example, if there are various options available for a website example.com such as





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IP canonicalization is a technique that can help you to improve your SEO ranking. It actually redirects your IP address to the hostname.
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rachelroot wrote:Hi, Friends
Please described IP Canonicalization with example.

IP Canonicalization is the process of redirecting IP address to the domain. Crawlers can very quickly know the uniqueness of the website contents.
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Internet Protocal Canonicalization is an SEO term whereby the IP address redirects to the domain name. If there are a variety of URL addresses available, it selects the appropriate one to direct your visitors to. We then say your site's IP has been canonicalized
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IP canonicalization in SEO is a technique sometimes used for better SEO results. It works when a website’s IP address is canonicalized. It means the physical website IP address should redirect to the domain name.
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When a site's IP address is canonicalized, the IP address redirects to the domain name.

For example:
If visitors enter your IP address in their web browser.
They should be redirected to example.com or www.example.com

(where example.com represents your domain name)
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Ip canonicalization is an SEO term and it is used if you are having the various address available then it selects the proper ones and redirects them to the domain.
For example,
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IP canonicalization is a technique that can help you to improve your SEO ranking. It actually redirects your IP address to the hostname. Normally, your IP and hostname are binded by DNS but it works only from hostname to IP mapping. But let's says the user knows the IP of your site and tries to directly hit it using the IP then it won't redirect to the hostname.
Thus you have a duplicate content on Internet affecting your search rankings. By adopting the IP canonicalization, Internet is made aware that content on hostname and IP is provided by the same source. Thus, maintains your SEO rankings.
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IP canonicalization is a technique generally used for SEO (search engine optimization). When a site's IP address is canonicalized, the IP address redirects to the name. This duplicate content may probably harm your site's search engine ranking.
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As far as I know IP canonicalization is a technique sometimes used for search engine optimization. When a site's IP address is canonicalized, the IP address redirects to the domain name.IP canonicalization can help you to improve your SEO ranking.
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IP canonicalization is a technique sometimes used for SEO (search engine optimization). When a site's IP address is canonicalized, the IP address redirects to the domain name. ... Otherwise, a search engine may index your site under both the IP address and the domain name.
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IP Canonicalization is the process of redirecting IP address to the main domain name hosted with it. It is the same as URL canonicalization and it saves you.
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