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What is keyword density?

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What is keyword density?

Hello friends,
I just start to do search engine optimization, there is a lot of things that i don't know, i want learn more thing about seo.
What is keyword density..?
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Hi Abraham,

Keyword density refers to the percentage of your target keywords (how many times your keyword/s is mentioned in the article) within your content. So lets say you have a 500-word content and your keyword density is 1%. This means that for your 500-word content, your target keywords are repeated 5 times.

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Hi there,
In search engine optimization (SEO) keyword density is the measurement in percentage of the number of times a particular keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of words in a page.
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Keyword density refers to the percent of keywords found in the content of a page or an article.
It is recommended that you should use a keyword density of 1%-2% for better results.
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denise taylor
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I agree with the above. Just want to add that all posts and pages should be natural. Sometimes keyword density is used to manipulate rankings. Do not use keyword density numbers to artificially insert keywords as this is damaging to your site. You should create articles/pages/posts that are truly helpful, unique and supply a wealth of information about the keyword you are using.
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Denise Taylor
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Keyword density is very important with search engine optimization. You want to make sure you aren't keyword stuffing your website with keywords. Write for your users and allow the keywords to flow NATURALLY. A good rule of thumb is for every 100 words or so, include a keyword.
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Keyword density is the percentage (%) of times a keyword or phrase appears compared to the total number of indexable words in a webpage.

For Example, your webpage has 100 words , and your keyword density is 2 % that means you should have a keyword phrase twice within that content.
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Keyword density is known as ratio (or percentage) of the number of times your keyword appears on the page of your article, versus the number of words on the page. The keyword proximity refers to the distance between the search term’s individual keywords.
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