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What is Google Sandbox?

Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi sonetteam26,

The Google Sandbox is where sites that have been penalized are placed. This is not an actual place, or space on the internet where sites go, but rather, these sites are filtered away or kept away from the general search results pages.

The existence of the Google Sanbox is still under debate as no one, not even Google, has confirmed its existence. For more information, please go to the Google Sandbox wiki:
Sandbox effect

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09
I believe that what we call the Google sandbox does not really exist at all. As far as I can tell, if your site gets "Sandboxed" it has simple been de-indexed by Google to appear in any keyword searches and will only come up when searched for exactly.

This usually happens when Google sees a young site (about 6 months old or less) that should not be getting very much attention but is. Google sees this as being un-natural and is concerned that malicious back-linking and traffic getting practices are being used which could manipulate search results.

In an attempt to make sure that the Google user is getting search results that are as favorable as possible, it "Sandboxes" any site that seems to be trying to "cheat the system". A "Sandboxed" site will be kept out of the searched results until Google re-visits it and determines that no funny business is going on. If you build a site be sure to build links slowly and not all in the same way and you should not have to worry about the Google Sandbox.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
In an attempt to make sure that the Google user is getting search results that are as favorable as possible, it "Sandboxes" any site that seems to be trying to "cheat the system". A "Sandboxed" site will be kept out of the searched results until Google re-visits it and determines that no funny business is going on. If you build a site be sure to build links slowly and not all in the same way and you should not have to worry about the Google Sandbox.

That's right! If your site is new, it will be going in and out of the SERPs, even the "Sandbox", but as long as you're building links naturally, then your site will be fine.

The above is a main distinction between getting sandboxed versus getting de-indexed. De-indexed sites do not get back on the SERPs.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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This topic was started on Sep 24, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
