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What is considered more important for SEO, creating content

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What is considered more important for SEO, creating content

What is considered more important for SEO, creating content or building backlinks?
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Posts: 17
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Both of them are equally important.
Yeah, the backlinks are not as important as they were in the past days, but building relevant links and following organic-ethical ways to do that, always gets good results.
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Well, Both are alternatives. you can't win SEO game by choosing any one of them!
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phyllisgibbs wrote:What is considered more important for SEO, creating content, or building backlinks?

They are part of each other. You can't imagine one whole thing over another.
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Backlinks are out and Content is in. So the choice is yours.
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Backlinks are especially for SEO purposes, whereas content is for your users.
Users use content to interact with your site, drive ad impressions, buy your items, and fill out lead forms. There's no need for a website to be sourcing you if you don't have any content (i.e., giving you a backlink).
In my experience, both of them are beneficial, I write content and get backlinks from Kallisto.
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phyllisgibbs wrote:What is considered more important for SEO, creating content or building backlinks?

Backlink as a ranking signal besides content as a source of information.
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Content Is Better for Your Website
Backlinks are important and do help you rank. But content works across all channels from PPC to SEO, media coverage, and referral traffic. Good content can also lead to backlinks.
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I suppose that everything depends on your purposes. Actually, if we consider backlinks and content in general, then they're voth equally important in my opinion. Nevertheless, you always have to henge on the current situation. If you have some thoughts about creating content and you're sure that it will be very useful for your SEO campaign, then you must do it. The same way with backlinks actually. Of course there are some exceptions, however you always should pay attention to the particular situation. I wsh all people would pay attention to currenc situation and would never make unconscious steps.
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Backlinks are specifically for SEO purposes. Content is for your users to engage with your site, drive impressions for ad space, buy your products, and fill out lead forms. Without content, there is no reason for a website to be sourcing you (i.e., giving you a backlink).
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Both are important. I write quality content for my blogs, then I purchase backlinks on Kallisto.io to get quality backlinks in return. 
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