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Using Google Rankng for bad

Posts: 2
Joined: 04 May 11

Using Google Rankng for bad

This is a werid one, and I don't know if you can help me.

Is there anyway you can find a website that comes up in the top ranking in google and work out how it's got there, for eg. say ''how to train your dog.com' is no. 1 can you use google to find the affilated site?

The reason I ask is I know a site that is not good, saying things that is not so nice, and it keeps getting ranked highly, when it shouldn't be as it's not popular so someone is driving it there.

any advide would be appreciated from the experts!

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Posts: 137
Joined: 12 Jun 10
hi blue, first, i am no expert.. and second, no one actually knows the exact reason how google puts those websites in the top of the SERPs.

For the high ranking site, you can do your own investigation as to why it is ranking no.1... for example, open the page up and check out its onpage (Title, H1, H2s, H3s, keyword placement, density, alt for images, link structure etc) .. then you can check out its backlinks.. you ca use Traffic travis or yahoo siteexplorer or some other tools for this.

For those junk sites that rank highly, Google is continuously tweaking their system to put the most relevant and useful site on the top..
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The Google bots can't actually read.

Do what Jacaranda suggest to find out why they are on top. besides good on page optimization you will probably find that the site has buckets of links or some really good links pointing to it.

The age of the site helps too, the older they are the more trusted they are by google.
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JC Dean
Posts: 24
Joined: 04 May 11
it is generally down to links with anchor text pointing in, good content, domain age, and keywords in the domain.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 04 May 11
Thanks so much for your advice, bh
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