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Traffic Travis crashing

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Traffic Travis crashing

Hi guys,

Has tt been updated or anything? It was crashing when I used Keyword finder so I uninstalled, downloaded again and re-installed and when I'm using Keyword Finder I enter a keyword and it just sits and displays nothing.

Anyone else reported any trouble?

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Best place to ask would be TT support. If it's what I'm thinking, it is using Yahoo and that was updated/removed?
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This is the day when I answer all Herbshirt's questions.

TT is in the process of being majorly overhauled. Majorly majorly overhauled. And the best part is... the new one works! I've seen it! We're almost at the point where we'll be able to bash it around here in the office and get out all the kinks before we send it out to you guys. Hopefully the kink-bashing won't take too long and we'll be able to get it out to you guys :)

For keywords you can try http://freekeywords.wordtracker.com . There are others... but... they've eluded me. Someone else might be able to chip in.

Good luck!
- Aletta
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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hey there.

I got this in an email the other day that had this and thought it was very good on this subject
*broken link*

isn't he funny

have a great week
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inventory.overture.com/ - A little temperamental

There's a few more that's pretty cool, but then again I don't use free ones that often. Just visit our good friend google, I'm sure he will point you in the right direction as well ;)
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herbshirt2 wrote:Hi guys,

Has tt been updated or anything? It was crashing when I used Keyword finder so I uninstalled, downloaded again and re-installed and when I'm using Keyword Finder I enter a keyword and it just sits and displays nothing.

Anyone else reported any trouble?


Yes did act very weird for me about a week ago. I think it was in keyword finder for me too. I clicked 'start' and it crashed and said there was a registration error so I tried to re-register and it locked TT saying it was re-registered too many times. :roll:

I sent an email to them and they were extremely prompt in helping, anyway the reset the counter and I reinstalled, registered and was fine.
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Hi, I read in "Forum News" category of this forum that there's a new version of TT. We can download it from there :)
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Hoorah! New Traffic Travis!

This version is a hang of a lot more stable than the last version, but make sure to let us know if you encounter any bugs or any such thing.


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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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I seem to be having a problem - or maybe I am just doing something wrong?

For example: I will type in the keyword "acne" and I will only get results for maybe 1 similar keyword - "acne supplements".

I look down the list of keywords and can't imagine some of those other keywords have gotten NO searches. I have noticed this on numerous searches I have done. Typical keywords you would think at least 1 person is typing in show 0 searches.

I looked up and noticed it says "DAILY SEARCH COUNT". Is there any way to change this with the free version to a monthly search count, etc? Or maybe that is in the professional version, or not in TT at all.

Anyways - please let me know if I am missing a fundamental part of this! :D

So far the program looks top notch and everything else seems to be working great! Contemplating picking up the professional version!

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Hey baguiar,

The way we're doing the search counts is pretty interesting. I'm not sure I'm allowed to divulge the secrets, but I suggest you go back and do the search again now, and see if the results are any different :)

Once we've had people using TT for a while this shouldn't happen so often.

As for daily search vs monthly search... this is probably dictated by the sources we get the count data from. They give it to us in daily format, we give it to you in daily format. I'll pass on the monthly suggestion, but as with most keyword research tools it's more about the relative search volume compared with other words (see WordTracker's search counts). If you need monthly you could always multiply by however many days in a particular month ;)

Hope that helps, lemme know if you've got any more problems.

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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Thank you for the reply! Sorry I am so late at getting back with my response.

I did another search a couple days ago for the same search term and yes, almost all phrases/words received had some amount of searches.

I am running into a bit of the same problem though with other, more specific searches I am doing. I just keep getting results back with NO searches that I know for a fact people have to be searching for.

This is free software - I feel guilty complaining like this!
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Nah, don't feel bad about complaining. It's a pretty legitimate gripe on a pretty important tool.

The way it kinda works is that you submit some keywords and we look in our cache to see if they're already there. If not, they go into a queue to be sent to all the relevant sites for visitor data. If you search for something that isn't in our cache, then you might get pretty lame response because we have to wait to get that data back from the sources.

Hmm, I think I could have worded that better. Hopefully you get the idea.

So like I said, until we've had people using TT for a while our cache is going to be on the flimsy side, which is exactly your experience.

That said, I'm also not getting very many suggestions for your keyword, so something funky is going on there. I'll pass it on to Head of Funky Happenings and get him to check it out.

Cheers for the feedback, and don't worry... I do waaaaaay more complaining on a daily basis than you'll ever do ;)

- Aletta
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Traffic Travis question. I have added my site page and keyword to analyze for (correctly matching the article title, description and with SEO optimized word count) in traffic travis and should my seo should be all good, but traffic travis is saying that I have 0 words on the page. What is going wrong here? Anyone know?
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