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Traffic Travis Accuracy

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Traffic Travis Accuracy

When using traffic Travis to analyze the competition rating for a keyword phrase that gets a rating of 4 stars, i see from the results that the listed sites all have a high PR with lots of backlinks and aged domains, is this down to a glitch in the software or would it be actually easy to rank for this term? Thanks
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It depends (and the software takes into account) alot of factors besides PR, age etc... so don't just rule something out because of 1-2 factors.

Backlinks are probably the most influencing factors but other things do obviously get taken into account.

Feel free to PM me the phrase and I can take a look for you :)
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I've noticed that a lot of keywords that you would normally think to be hard, get 3-4 stars in Traffic Travis. I think this is due to the fact that sites such as webmd and other high authority sites aren't really that optimized for the terms I'm typing in. But who knows.

I think a page fully optimized for these terms can beat out those authority sites like wikipedia and stuff. Now, beating .govs and .edus is another story.

A good example is "anxiety depression" lots of searches, lots of competing pages (1.7 mil) and 4 stars. Do you think this keyword is easy like it says?
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I think you are right in saying that a well optimized site could beat out authority sites on the basis of the fact that your site could be seen more targeted for the keyword phrase.

Even though these sites have a high page rank and lots of links its not to say that the links are optimized for the keyword by using correct anchor text, or that they are coming from related sites. So could it be that traffic travis takes into account these factors also?

i am curious if anyone might confirm this =)
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I am a little wary of Traffic Travis.

Test this for yourselves: For the long tail keyword 'welsh springer spaniels' google's own keyword tool reports a monthly global search average of 2900 and local search volume for Dec 09 as 720

the same LTK in TT shows zero.

So what gives? I think I believe Google's own stats on this. If its so far out on this I am reluctant to trust it for anything else.
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Well, I have no idea what to believe anymore. While doing research, I came across the keyword "increase your vertical" which I put into TT.

Amazingly, TT gives me 2/5 stars despite the fact that the number 4 listing is a sniper site with only 11 backlinks all from social bookmarking.

Well, you can say that I am no longer paying attention to the stars in TT anymore. There's just no reason to. Use TT for looking at the number of backlinks and on page SEO. Disregard the stars from now on. Oh, and this keyword has 136k competing sites. So I guess it's a good idea to not pay attention to that either :)
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Posts: 18
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tt does seem a little sketchy to me also. when I type in keywords for things it gives me -- when there should be a lot more than nothing unless I'm missing something.
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