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Terrified About Starting New Site

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Terrified About Starting New Site

Hi, i just want to say that i´m terrified to start this new site, and start over with my old one, implementing all this great SEO techniques i´m learning at affilorama, i don´t know why, and i also found out that until now i´m struck at Analysis Paralysis, i´m becoming a guru in the theory but i haven´t implement yet any of the things i´m learning, so i decided to start right now, and this idea makes me feel so terrified, i thinks that´s because how much i want to live like good affiliate marketers, that´s my dream, and i think i´m afraid to no be able to do it.
Thanks and i will keep trying until it works.
P.S. I will let you know how was it :)
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It's pretty hard to do anything when you have all your hopes and dreams pinned on a successful outcome. The fear of failure is often enough to stop you from even trying. It doesn't make any sense, but it makes perfect sense :)

The thing to realize with affiliate marketing and online marketing in general is that the absolute best way to learn is to do it. And the easiest way to do it is if you're not afraid to make mistakes -- make it something you absolutely expect to happen.

As a loose analogy, I've been trying to get into rock climbing lately. I've been a few times, and just this last time it occurred to me that I was going about it completely the wrong way. I was trying to NOT fall. This made me too cautious to try anything. I couldn't move my weight, I wouldn't stand on anything that wasn't color-coded. I would NEVER try just lunging for a hand-grip if I wasn't 100% sure I'd make it.

This meant that I never actually learned what my body could do, and I never got any better. I was waiting for my arms to get stronger, but what I REALLY needed to do was learn how to fall.

When you're not afraid of falling, you're not afraid to try crazy new things. And when you try crazy new things, you figure out how to succeed. Now every time I go climbing I make it my goal to fall at least 3 times. If I'm not falling, it means I'm not trying.

Of course it helps that I'm attached to a rope and I know I'm not actually going to die. That helps a lot.

We see a lot of Analysis Paralysis here at Affilorama. That's why a lot of our products are built the way they are.

The original Analysis Paralysis buster was AffiloBlueprint. It was designed so that people could just follow it, step by step, without needing to stop and decide what to do next. You don't need to read up on a bunch of other theories or tactics: It's a rock-solid foundation of "doing it right", kind of like being attached to a rope in rock climbing. If you've built a site following AffiloBlueprint, you can then branch out and try some different things if you like, and you always have this rock solid site to fall back on.

I don't think you're following AffiloBlueprint at the moment, although I remember you were thinking about it a few weeks ago. I think in your case it would be a good idea, if you still think you're suffering from this Analysis Paralysis and if you can afford it. (Hint: Make sure you check out AffiloBlueprint later this week. You might find it a little easier to afford :)

My best advice: Try not to care so much. Don't be afraid to make mistakes... personally, making an abundance of mistakes is just about the only way I actually learn anything.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Thank you very much alleta for your advice, you know exactly how i feel, and thank you about the affiloblueprint, i will be checking all the week to see what can i find, btw, i i get affiloblueprint the access to the forum is a 1 year subscription? o how long will it last?
Thank you again for your support!! :)
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When you buy AffiloBlueprint you get lifetime access to this version of AffiloBlueprint. It's a one-off payment and you have it forever.

It does come with a bonus free 1-month Affilorama Premium trial, which continues at $67/month after your first free month. If you don't want to keep using the Premium tools (AffiloTools), you can just cancel it by sending us an email. It doesn't affect your AffiloBlueprint membership at all.

You also get lifetime access to the private AffiloBlueprint member's forum, which is a separate sub-forum on this forum. You'll just find a lot more discussion of the content and tasks involved in AffiloBlueprint.

And just like all Affilorama products, it comes with a 60 day money-back guarantee, so if you start watching the lessons and they're not what you want, or you don't think they're helping, or you're just so angry that we've employed American staff to do the voices rather than using our own beautiful New Zealand accents (hah!)... you can get a refund within 60 days. No problems at all. Again, you just need to email us.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Heyp aletta, nothing today, will it be in the affiloblueprint page? or by mail?
i´m ready :)
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Keep your eyes peeled, I don't think you'll miss it.
When I look into my crystal ball, tomorrow and the next day look promising... ;)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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Huuuuuu, I´ll be Wide open eyed, i hope i can go on this one!!!!! thanks!!!
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Posts: 103
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Aletta, how you doing today, i already checked today in the site, in my email, and in facebook and nothing today, i´ll be checking tomorrow
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Posts: 103
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Heeeeeeeeey aletta, what you notice about? gues what lol !!!!
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Hahaha, congratulations! See I TOLD you! My crystal ball doesn't lie.

Good spotting... I don't think the email has even gone out yet :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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I was on the forum searching for something and then i arrived to the page of affiloblueprint and theeeeeeeeeeere it was, now i will see you in the other forum too, Thank you very very much, i was going to miss this opportunity because of a trip, so i was wide open eyes.
I´m so happy now i can learn from people that is practicing this as much as i do.
Thanks again.
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Hi angelnewsletters,

Welcome to Affiloblueprint! I'm glad to hear you were able to take advantage of the Affiloblueprint special offer we're having today! See you in the Affiloblueprint Members Only forums!

All the best! :)
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mark schaaf
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angelnewsletters. I have commented on a few of your questions and understand what you are saying now but part of what you are talking about may have to do with not having confidence in yourself and what you have learned. I would suggest going back and reading some of the things people have told you and things you have learned and write them down. sometimes doing this you will see just how much you do know and it can make it easier to organize your thoughts for starting your new project. I can understand that there will always be the fear of failure with any new project but if you don't try you can never succeed and once you succeed it gives you confidence for the next project.
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It is all about getting a few potential visitors to your site and the confidence will be back. I wish you all the best. Just concentrate on your SEO work the rest will follow.
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Posts: 26
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Now THIS is something I can relate to.

Being the studious, analytical type, I wasted years because I thought the best approach was to study and learn everything first, then I would be ready to build a site.

The problem was that the internet keeps changing and evolving - faster than I can learn all I needed to know. All the stuff I learned in 2009 no longer applies to affiliate marketing .
The beauty of this business is that your success and knowledge actually grows through trial and error. You are going to make mistakes, you are going to pay your dues. The only way to overcome them is to take a deep breath and jump in with both feet.

If you wind up landing head-first, the awesome, helpful, wonderful staff and members of Affilorama will be there to help you right back up, brush you off and gently get you back on track.

The solution to Analysis Paralysis is to be like Nike - Just Do It!

All the best.
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The problem was that the internet keeps changing and evolving - faster than I can learn all I needed to know. All the stuff I learned in 2009 no longer applies to affiliate marketing .

A lot of stuff changes, but a lot of the basic principles stay the same as well, because (like one of our AffiloBlueprint testimonials says, I think) they're "regular" business principles as well.

You do your research first. You build a good thing. You attract the right kinds of visitors. You promote good products. You figure out the best way to get your visitors interested in those products. Onwards and upwards.

It's the various different ways of achieving these goals that change with technology, but the basic idea stays the same.
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
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I agree with you 100% Aletta. I did try to express your sentiment by stating that what I learned in 2009 no longer APPLIED to affiliate marketing. In no way did I try to express that affiliate marketing itself was different. I was referring to the methodology of affiliate marketing.

Case in point, in 2009 I was taught that PPC was where you wanted to focus to bring in the big bucks for your affiliate sites. At that time, 13 of the top 20 sites were PPC affiliates. Today only 3 are PPC affiliates. This is because of the explosion of incentivised traffic - voucher codes and cashback sites, even the free reports and newsletters are all incentives that are not only attracting potential customers, but more importantly, they close the deal and help to develop relationships, which is crucial to ANY marketing endeavor, online or offline. PPC and price comparison sites are falling by the wayside because they are more informal "customer initiators". which can quickly turn a customer away.

My point is that the PPC business model no longer applies - with a few exceptions of course. You can become quite successful now by developing relationships with your potential customers as you could back then with PPC.

Easy to see now in hindsight, but what do you think would have happened if you tried to explain this to the PPC gurus back in 2009?

I will state that the majority of the top 20 sites today are content-rich sites so what Affiliorama teaches is and will continue to remain true - quality content is King!
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This topic was started on Jun 30, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
