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Joined: 08 Mar 12


I am having a hard time getting the green light on my lens's. I am using Squidoo only for back links and link wheels and always use unique copyscape approved content.

My question is - can I create one lens for say "how to get pregnant" and then keep adding new articles to the lens using link modules with anchor text links to my site. So if I had say 6 link modules, I would have 6 links going to 6 different pages on my money site. Or is it best to create a separate lens for each 600 word article.

I think the reason my current lens has changed to a red light is I haven't updated the lens in a month.

I am new to web 2.0 so any advice would be welcome.
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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
You might want to ask on the Squidoo forum. They know best what works in Squidoo.

I can only give a guess - that like any site or forum, you are judged by the value you provide to that community. If too much value goes to you (via backlinks) and too little to your lens viewers (as valuable information) you won't get the results you want.

Without an inspection of your lens, I can't get specific, but I do know that it's important to get to the 100% completion point for lenses. I don't think not updating for a month will cause any problem, provided the lens is finished. I don't modify my finished lenses for months at a time.

I've had good success with interactive modules to engage visitors (polls, feedback, comments, etc.).

Hope this helps...
_jim coe
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Posts: 248
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At Squidoo they don't like spammy content and your lenses need to contain at least 3-4 modules of solid content.

I have had no trouble getting and keeping the green light (without any updates) when my lenses contain 2000 words of content. However, when I tried to post a short article of around 600-700 words it got the red light.
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Posts: 216
Joined: 26 Jun 09
Hello Darren.

Just a quick note about putting links in your content.

Putting 6 links in any one squidoo page may be seen as link stuffing by Google.
If you want to put in multiple links be sure to have a large amount of quality content in-between them. I would say at least 500 words.

Also be sure to mix-up your anchor text, and don't be afraid to use "click here" or "read more" type of anchor text here and there. With googles penguin update, many links with exact match anchor text looks spammy and will not help your rankings. Google wants to see variety which looks more natural.

Yes, you want to use exact match anchor text but don't get hung up on using it for all your links. I try to use exact match only when I will be getting a quality link allready to make it even stronger.

Never Give Up!!!
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 5
Joined: 11 May 12
Yes it would be best to write additional articles (lenses) and link them together, use the My Lenses module or the Featured Lenses sidebar widget. Squiddo likes lenses with at least 5 modules not including the Intro and be sure to include 250 x 250 px photos, Squidoo likes them.

Links to your sites are fine in moderation, they have a rule about no more than 9 links to one site but I have not seen this really enforced.

Good luck!
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This topic was started on Aug 02, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
