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Silo Structures and SEO

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Silo Structures and SEO

I'm aware of the need not to get too hung up on all the finer mechanics of SEO.

However I do have a concern with regards the cluster of Greek themed sites I am looking to put up and I'd like to 'chart my passage' before I start putting up sites/blogs. A strong message that seems to be getting through is not to have too many outwards links as these can result in your PR being spread between your site and the other sites you are linking to (in other words being 'watered down'). The structure I am considering below would spread these links out over several sites rather than have then emanating from one, and also will result in more targeted marketing.

I am thinking about setting things up using the 'Silo Structure' as a model. with directly related terms covered, as well as semantically related niches.

As an example, having a landing page portal under a broad category Super Silo Structure such as 'Greek Travel', with Silos on the next level down for semantically related categories such as 'Greek Train Travel', 'Greek Island Cruising', 'Greek Ferry Boat Services', 'Greek Package Holidays' etc. Within these categories a number of niche sites could be created, eg under 'Greek Package Holidays' - sites for; those on a budget, those interested in archaeological sites, those wanting to learn 'Greek Cooking' etc.

The Silos would not be cross linked but would all be linked back to the 'main' landing page portal thus letting visitors and the SEs follow the information flow in a normal way.

The niche sites within each Silo would link back to the Silo's own landing page, there would be relevant keyword content and deep internal linking and cross linking. I would also be looking at planning out how to get as many inwards links to the sites/blogs as possible.

Hopefully all not too confusing!

I thought of tackling things backwards - starting with one niche site and then building from there.

Does this seem a logical approach? Any and all suggestions would be gratefully received.


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Hi Dale,

Seems like a solid plan to me. Also seems like you've got your work cut out for you! I'd say make sure you're not biting off too much at once, but it seems like you've got it all worked out, so I'm sure you'll be able to make it work.

Just make sure you set yourself mini milestones along the way, and measure your success on things other than just earnings. With a big project it can seem like you're not getting anywhere when in fact you are, so just make sure you can recognise these successes.

I'll be really interested to see how it goes, keep us posted!

All the best,
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Looks good to me. The "watering down" term you mean is theme-bleeding. You can link out to other parts of your site if you wish... just use the nofollow tag on those links.
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Posts: 50
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I always appreciate your positive comments guys and it is heartening to know that I seem to be on the right track with things.

Yep - the whole Greek project is going to be pretty challenging. I must confess Mark, and after viewing some really good content rich sites, I'm going to have my work cut out. But I have one or two ideas for niches within niches that I havn't yet seen surface. So ... it will be 'slowly as she goes' when I start off. I will keep you posted along the way.

Hope you're having a ball overseas ... try and give us the odd tid-bit on your travels when you can.

Take care,

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