20 Feb 14 10:17 am
Yeah... so SEO is just a way of getting visitors to your website. It's all part of the larger spectrum of internet marketing, which is everything to do with making money on the internet.
There's no "vs" about it. SEO is a component of internet marketing.
25 Jul 14 6:59 am
The techniques or strategies used to increase the number of visitors to a website in a search engine is called search engine optimization whereas internet marketing is used for advertising.
kallayprasanth05 Posts: 282 Joined: 05 Jan 13 Trust:
21 Feb 15 3:40 pm
Use SEO methods for Internet marketing. SEO is basically a type of advertising, and hence it is not improper to call this type of advertising as SEO advertising. It includes all types of link building.
stevex Posts: 53 Joined: 28 Apr 14 Trust:
30 Oct 15 12:13 pm
Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website on organic search engine result pages (SERPs), by incorporating search engine friendly elements into a website. A successful search engine optimization campaign will have, as part of the improvements, carefully select, relevant keywords which the on-page optimization will be designed to make prominent for search engine algorithms. Internet marketing is a blanket phrase that usually covers anything related to reaching new clients online. Internet marketing is used as a term that covers PPC and search engine advertising.PPC or "pay-per-click" refers to paying for ads on search engines to reach buyers.
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