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SEO guru hype!

Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07

SEO guru hype!

hi mates,

So pissed off today, got a rude reply from a SEO guru from the States.
I ask a question direct to the point and he replied with arrogance.
I don't good care how good a SEO expert he is..if you reply emails ...be polite if not don't reply :x

Something to share about SEO guru hype:

An article titled Breaking SEO Myths Part One: The SEO Expert by Daniel Dessinger, a Dallas-based copywriter. In his article, he thoroughly trounces on the SEO industry. He says:

Could there be another industry more inflated by ego, misinformation, and repetition than search engine optimization?


No SEO “expert” or firm knows all of the search engines’ secrets. So how do they write so many articles, blogs, and forums with such authority? And why are the ones pinky swearing that they’re honest only telling you enough to maintain enough mystery to keep you relying upon their expertise and yet still wondering what the heck they are doing behind those closed doors?


Am I saying that they’re all scam artists? No. Many of them aren’t. But even the ones who are legit are still count on an air of mystery and difficulty to keep the client from demanding too many specific answers. Why? Because if these search engine specialists revealed all that they know to a client, they know that an intelligent client would be unimpressed. The truth is that most companies could perform their own SEO and be quite successful.


If you don’t believe me, subscribe to a few SEO newsletters and catch up on your SEO articles. See for yourself if you don’t read the same thing over and over, only presented in a different order or from a different angle. Study which groups or individuals support and compliment each other in SEO articles, forums, and blogs. Notice how they build a castle of thoughts out of thin air. In this industry, some will corroborate each other if it means reinforcing the fuzzy logic that has benefited their own business. The lack of fresh information is fairly convincing evidence that search engine optimization and keyword research are not all that complicated. If they were, the experts wouldn’t have to recycle to put out new articles and blogs.
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Posts: 34
Joined: 27 Jun 07
I rest my case...SEO gurus have such high ego that I wonder why the public
still leaning on them :evil:

Face it. no seo experts will make you as good or better than them...
If they did, they will be out of business
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I disagree. SEO "Experts" are simply ones who know how to work the ropes of the algorithm as it stands now. Thy system is constantly changing so the plans to rank always have to change. They could care less if they give you the right information anyway because 99% of people will stop trying, fail, get discouraged, or just burn out. The internet is also a big place.... plenty of room.
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I really don't see what you're worrying about??
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I sent you a gift mate, jut tell me if you like it!

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thanks aff

Appreciate your concern.G-d bless!
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