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Question for the SEO Gurus: Pages Vs Posts within Categories

Posts: 9
Joined: 28 Oct 10

Question for the SEO Gurus: Pages Vs Posts within Categories

Hi guys... My question sums it up.

I'm about to post 20 re-written articles onto my 2 new WP sites. Many gurus tell you to use google Wonder Wheel on your primary KW you have the site set up for, then grab the 1st level KWs and use them as categories, then post the articles (as posts) within each related category.

But I've got a feeling that Google is up to speed with this typical "marketer" practice... and doesn't make a difference if you just posted those same articles as pages on your WP site (without categories).

What's better... Pages Vs Posts within Categories?

Let's see how yous handle this one... :-)
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
If you are trying to rank for the individual article, It doesn't matter, Page or post.

If you are trying to rank for a keyword rich ( or keyword exact ) domain name you want to have several post with that keyword, that all appear under the main URL.
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JC Dean
Posts: 9
Joined: 28 Oct 10
thanks for that answer Dean...

It's 3 keywords (and their corresponding article pages) that I'm aiming for. I did put one of those keywords in the domain, as it can only help... but I'm mainly interested in those 3 keyword (article page) targets.

Thanks for the clarity!

... and that's an interesting distinction you bought up ... (about putting more than 1 post for the primary keyword you put in the domain & trying to rank for).

Never knew that!

ps. by saying '... that all appear under the main URL'... you mean anywhere on the site right?
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
Posts: 373
Joined: 24 Nov 09
jimlm wrote:
ps. by saying '... that all appear under the main URL'... you mean anywhere on the site right?

We are using a blogging platform, and you have a choice as to how maney of the most recent post will show up when you bring up the Main URL. (not sure Marks theme will do this)

Say you were trying to rank your site for "meet your sweet" and your URL was meetyoursweetreview dot what ever...

You you might have article tittles;

"meet your sweet review"
"what others are saying about meet your sweet"
"a look inside meet your sweet"
"Final word meet your sweet"

That would be a sniper site targeting that one keyword, it would be better if all the post showed up under the one keyword.

If you were to make a relationship site targeting other keywords with your articles, your article tittles might be

How to find love
where to meet men
where to meet woman
how to talk to woman

and so on, you could still promote "meet your sweet" but you are trying to rank for these other terms. To do this pages or posts it doesn't matter as far as SEO.

Marks theme is set up to display posts as articles.
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JC Dean
Site Admin
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In terms of SEO, it doesn't really matter if you used posts or pages. Both will be indexed by Google and have the same chance in ranking.

However, posts show in the RSS feed while pages don't. So using posts will help in link building and in getting additional traffic.
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Posts will be indexed quickly by search engines compared to pages...this is mainly because whenever you update or publish a new post you can set your wordpress to submit it to http://rpc.pingomatic.com/. This will update many services and helps in indexing your pages...
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Web Designing | Online Marketing
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thanks guys... yous have been great!

great info yous are providing here...

I think I'll stick to pages and just ping each page once with pingomatic. Then focus on backlinking for 3 of them to make up the slight difference in rss links.

I want to be able to order the pages on the sidebar widget with the 3 target article pages at the top, with catchy headlines to encourage people to click and stay on the site a bit longer.

The recent posts widget doesn't seem to give the option of setting page order
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
Posts: 3
Joined: 20 Dec 11
sorry to bump up old thread

i need your advice for a specific solution

i'am using popshops as my products data feed provider
planning to put it on my main wordpress installation in root and to post products on pages
pages will be generally sorted by categories, only 1 level
and later on additionally sub sorted by tags
i plan to use this due to the fact that pages are not date influenced
and i do not plan to have RSS feed for my products lists
also once products are in I don't think there will be much changes on these pages
maybe once per week to put more products and etc.
(is this correct way of thinking, any advice on popshops or anything else ?)

product descriptions will be posted on my blog part of website
separate WP installation under /blog directory
this is where i plan to use pages only for the articles that will not be changed often
like product reviews for products that are long lasting on website
also i plan to use posts for some action items and seasonal focus items
also i plan to use posts for some information sharing with the visitors
I plan to have RSS feeds for my post categories made here so that is why I need posts here also.
exmaple: category: Advice: post1,post2,post3 category:nutrition: post1,post2,post3 ...
(is this correct way of thinking ?)

I plan to rank for specific pages and posts that will be on the blog part.

Is this the correct way to do it ?
Can You please share some advice on this ...

Thank You in Advance
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