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product marketing/clickbank ID

Posts: 59
Joined: 30 May 12

product marketing/clickbank ID

Hellow folks.
Can any one shede some light on how to promote a product with clickbank ID without using affilotheme.
I do not want to use affilotheme becouse it changes the template of my existing website which I bought before
joining affiloblueprint.
Where on the wordpress do I go to past the clickbank ID? Do I need to write a new content and paste it on the new content via wordpress? Or should it be pasted on the home page.
Any input will be highly appreciated.
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Posts: 119
Joined: 16 Dec 09
You can assign the ClickBank ID to text or to an image.
For instance, write:

'CLICK HERE' in a post. Next highlight the 'CLICK HERE'

Now look at the tools above the area where you are writing. You will see one that look like chain-links. Click on the chain-links and a popup box will appear. Put the Clickbank code into the URL field.

To add the link in an image, just post the Clickbank code into the 'Link URL' field when editing the image.

Also, consider trying a plugin such as GoCodes which will make your links look more attractive.
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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
The whole point of using Affilotheme is that it's specifically designed and optimized for affiliate marketing - which your existing theme is almost guaranteed not to be, because almost no theme designers are affiliate marketing experts - certainly they are not Mark Ling.

And if you're enrolled in the Affiloblueprint course you'll miss out on the learning, because it's designed around using Affilotheme.

I think you'll be doing yourself a disservice by not using Affilotheme, if you're trying to learn affiliate marketing.

Hope this helps....
_jim coe
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Thanks Swarlley for your input. I appreciate your time and explanation. Will try it.
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Posts: 59
Joined: 30 May 12
Hi .Jimcoe.
Thanks a lot for letting me know the disadvantages of not using affilotheme. My concern was geared towords
the beauty of my original template which the affilotheme changes to an inferior look.
Is there any way to get over this issue, I mean to maintain my original template or similar one while using
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There is no way to combine the themes or such.

It might be possible to customize the Affilotheme to make it conform more to your standards of website beauty, but to do so without understanding the marketing reasons behind the many Affilotheme design decisions could kill its marketing effectiveness.

If you are enrolled in the Affiloblueprint course, I'd recommend staying with the default design until you complete the course and get some traffic, then learn to use Google Website Optimizer for A/B split testing of any changes you make. In that way, you can beautify the site, while testing to see if your beautification edits hurt your sales or improve them, or have no effect. This is "scientific marketing" and I believe it's the best way.

Be aware that A/B split testing requires considerable traffic (else it can take weeks or months per test).

Of course Affilotheme actually offers several themes to choose from, so that should help. And it lets you change colors, etc. Changing the font family and much else is pretty easy if you advance to learning some CSS coding.

Hope this helps...
_jim coe
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Posts: 59
Joined: 30 May 12
Thank you somuch Jim Coe. It is always better talking to experienced people. You have given me the explanation
which I cdould not have figured out myself, at least not now, it should have been after running around and waisted
months trying this or that.
Thanks again with much gratitude.
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Posts: 47
Joined: 04 Jul 12
Thanks for this post, I learned a lot from this thread :)
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This topic was started on Jul 02, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
