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Problems with inserting affiliate links in XsitePro

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Problems with inserting affiliate links in XsitePro

I'm having problems with inserting affiliate links in XsitePro.
When I insert a hoplink from click bank into a highlighted sentence and then republish my website, the link dissappears from that sentence.
It doesn't happen to every sentences that I want them to have hoplinks. Only to some of them
I am tearing my hair over this. What am I doing wrong????
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A member also had this issue and was able to resolve it by adding the link on an empty page. Please see the advice from an XSitePro expert below:

ablewebs wrote:Hi, Robyn,

Can you please try adding the text link on a clean/empty page with no text pasted in from MS Word. I tried to find the answer on the XSP forum, but I can't seem to locate it it. I know it's there somewhere, but my keyword searches aren't bringing it up. So we need to try the obvious: make sure you're not on a release with known issues, eliminate the MS Word formatting. If a clean page doesn't resolve the issue, please send me your version number. Also, let me know if you hear back from XSP Support.

The member also emailed XSitePro's support and received the following reply:

robynm wrote:Hi Andrea
I have received a reply for support as follows

There are two possibilities here.
Either there was a data glitch in the website, or there was a formatting error on the web page.

If this is a glitch in this website.
Please export the website to an XSE file and then re-import it.
The import function will read the XSE file and fix any known errors. :)

If this is an error in the formatting, then the easiest option is to re-insert the links.
The editor in XSitePro is self correcting, so it should fix most errors automatically.

However Andrea I may try your idea first by placing text from wordpad. then try the first suggestion that support gave.
I'll let you know how I go.
I had xstiepro 2 and upgraded to xsitepro2.5.
I'll let you know how I go and thanks for the support!!

Thanks Mike, I'll email you the page :)

The discussion is found on this thread: Having a ton of problems with XsitePro Website

Another suggestion made by XSitePro was to highlight a section bigger than what you need:

XSitePro Support wrote:Ben Fleeson <[email protected]>

This can happen if there has been a lot of style changes in a section ow web page.
From time to time XSitePro leaved some to the formatting behind when you change the style to something else (bold, point size, fonts etc.)
The best solution is to highlight a section bigger than you need (say a paragraph before to a paragraph after) to a and set this to the 'normal' style to remove all the formatting, and then add in the formatting you need :)

Hope that helps!
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Solved but not by any of the above suggestions. You NEED to use affiliate wizard. I found out it actually is a very handy tool. Works perfect!!
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That's great! Thanks for sharing that information, Mxdzieg! :)
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive

This topic was started on Jun 02, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
