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PR on some of my pages have gone up others not, why?

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Joined: 26 Jun 09

PR on some of my pages have gone up others not, why?

Many of my pages have gone up to PR 1 & 2 but they are not much different from the others and have far less links to them.
I know that the incoming links PR will help or hurt the pages PR but they are basically equal. The only difference that I can tell is that they have a little more content. Is the amount of content on a page a big factor to google and if so should I bulk up the content to my whole site to get the pages PR's up which should help them rank better or is that not how it works?

On the other hand, would it be better to split up my content into more pages to try to rank for more keywords?
I have found some related keyword phrases that get some nice traffic and the topped ranked sites have very few links going to them so I think I would be able to rank well for these phrases just by spinning an article to article sites.
Any thoughts?
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Paul J. Burkhardt
Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
PR is really a worthless metric. most people give it too much attention. I have one of my sites with a PR2 and it doesnt do any better in serps than my PR 0 sites. In fact it does worse than most of them. focus on search rankings not PR.

I generally recommend keeping the articles to 500-600 words long. On my blog, I have often gotten long winded, and wind up with 1000+ word posts, and generally speaking I lose people before they get that far into it. Now I try to limit how long winded I get, and try to split the long ones up into smaller chunks.
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Thanks for your reply James, I highly value your recommendations.
So what you are saying is that the PR of a page helps very little with how that page will rank and the PR of a page that has a link going to your site makes little difference for rankings. Is it more the keyword relevance surrounding the link that makes for a good link and more links of any PR page is better than a few links from high PR pages. If this is true, is article spinning and submission still a good method for getting backlinks or is getting links from blog commenting better even though the blog may not be relevant to your site.
Thanks as always
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Paul J. Burkhardt
mark schaaf
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After doing this for the time I have I am almost convinced that google doesn't know what it is doing. They come up with these great programs that are supposed to look at peoples web sites and say which are good and which are bad but just look for yourself how often a piece of crap site with low page rank shows up before a good site with an ok page rank. Sometimes i think you would be better off just rolling a pair of dice to see where your site shows up or what your page rank is.
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Hey Paul, personally I do a lot of blog commenting, but that is more for the direct traffic than for SEO purposes. I recommend getting links from the most relevant sources rather than worrying about how it will help your SEO. if you focus on finding customers instead of links, your search rankings will go up in time. Most people get so focused on Google that they never realize that Google only holds a very small percentage of all the traffic that is available.

Honestly, one of my main goals with commenting is to engage the blog owner and hopefully get a guest post on their blog, bringing me better links and more traffic to my sites.

I would recommend checking out this guest post I did on How To Ignore Google and Still Get High Search Rankings to see what I mean.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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I am trying to set up article marketing robot. asks for POP3 settings. Can't seem to find out what they are?
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