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Outgoing Affiliate Linking Strategy

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Joined: 15 Oct 12

Outgoing Affiliate Linking Strategy

I have built a website with a decent amount of traffic. Now I want to setup affilate links to generate $$. However I am worried about exessive and low quality outgoing links affecting my traffic generation and rankings.

Affiliate Marketing is somewhat new to me, however I have a thorough understanding of SEO, but I am coming to you Affiliate SEO experts for some help here.

Here are some details about my site
[*]Blog website
[*]No outgoing links at all
[*]Regular Content

Here are my questions
1. Do you insert affiliate links site wide (ie banner advertising), contextual(inside content) or both. Or is it safer to have multiple internal links pointing to a review page then link from this page to affiliate.

2. Is there a general ratio rule for how many affiliate links to other valuable outgoing links.

My main concern is inserting outgoing links to low valued affiliate sites (in the eyes of Google) and especially that I already don't have any outgoing links it could send the wrong signal to Google.

I would like to hear your strategy and if recent algorythm updates by Google have got you worried about excessive outgoing affiliate links.
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1. Use PrettyLink or some other plugin to do link redirects. This automatically no-follows the link and cleans it up to be more appealing to users.

2. Use relevant suggestions, it will produce better results for you. (IE, don't put an affiliate link for a hosting company on a page about weight loss... unless you are telling people to start their own site).

3. A banner or two won't hurt

Don't worry too much if you are not overloading the pages with ads and offer good content, you will be good.
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Hi jessicajmany,

You can always "no-follow" affiliate links if you want. And banners won't hurt as long as they are placed properly- meaning they won;t interfere with your reader's interface online. Do not overdo banners as well :)

I hope that helps!

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Not sure which Affilorama tool you need? Take the quiz! https://www.affilorama.com/redirect/quiz

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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Joined: 15 Oct 12
Thanks for the help.

I will use PrettyLinks.
Should I buy the Pro version and use the cloaking functionality?
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10
I never link to a blog or another site unless it is who I am promoting for meaning trying to get commission for selling something. The only out going links I ever use are totally information sites like Wikipedia or something along those lines. If you link to someone doing something close to what you are doing they might go there and buy what they are selling rather then what you are selling.
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This topic was started on Oct 16, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
