21 Sep 12 11:22 am
Hi Bobby,
You are on the right track. :) Just keep on going and yes ask more questions so you can understand things better.
For your questions:
1. Do you post the original article on your site and then spin them to post on directories?
- Yes. Always post original and unique article to your website. And yes, you can spin these articles to post on article directory sites. However, when spinning, make sure that you spin your content with at least 50% uniqueness (this measures how "different" your spun content is compared to the previous article)
2. How many times should you spin and post each article?
- You spin one article, one time and post to different directory sites. Just make sure that you produce content with at least 50% uniqueness.
3. In the directory posted articles am I linking back to my sites homepage, a product review page, etc?
- You can link back to your homepage or to any pages in your site. But make sure that you read the article directory's posting guidelines. Some sites allow you to add up to 3 links, while some only allows you to add one link.
Moreover, there are sites that allow you to link to the article body while some only allows you to put links on the author box.
4. What is the most number of back linked articles you should post in a single day without being penalized by Google?
- Actually there is no definite rule to this. You do not have to worry if you are doing backlinks manually. Also, when you post to article sites, you have to still wait for your articles to get approved. So approval takes time too and thus, getting penalized won't be a problem if you are just posting articles manually.
5. I am considered a "fitness personality" (this fitness industry pays sh!@#y btw) and have a website already where I offer online training and post my blogs. The niche is tiny. Is it a good idea to post these reviews on my existing site or create a website just for the affiliate stuff?
- If you already have an existing website, then I suggest you just monetize this website for your affiliate marketing. I cannot see why not since you already established a website. :) That would also speed things up for you since you just need to tweak a few little things like putting relevant keywords to your site, doing on-page SEO, and so on.
I hope that helps!