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New Site - What to do next for SEO?

Posts: 12
Joined: 11 Oct 07

New Site - What to do next for SEO?

I have a new site here: http://myfavouritecandy.com

What does everyone suggest for how to increase the traffic and get people to click on the adwords more? This is my very first site.

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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06

Good job.

My first suggestion is to do step by step.

1. Here is your url:

You may want to change that to:


You will get traffic when you add your keywords where I suggested.


2. Write every single day!

Writing daily will earn you the love of search engines.

You can use wordpress auto-posting feature

That's all for now.

Keep up the good job.

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Last edited by ampie g on 22 Jan 10 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: removed http as URL is only used for illustration & not an actual link

Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html
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Joined: 11 Oct 07
Thanks for the reply. If I put a keyword where you suggest, how do I do the redirecting? I have an index.html page that redirects to http://www.myfavouritecandy.com/wordpress. The name of the folder is wordpress. Should I just change the name of the folder? Change it to a keyword? Interesting concept.
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Often all you need to do is just rename the folder like you would rename a folder on your computer... right click and change the name. If you want to put more than one word in there, remember to separate them with a dash ( - ). It makes it easier for the search engines to see the different words (although many people say they don't have difficulty anyway... it's just a good habit).

The only problem might come from your wordpress installation... since you probably chose to install to the directory "wordpress" when you set it up, it might have hard-written the word "wordpress" in there somewhere. Best bet it just to try changing it and see if everything works. If it seems hunky dory, then hunky dory it is. ;)

As for the redirect on your home page... it depends on where you set up the redirect. If you just created an index.html file and put a PHP or META redirect in there (see https://www.affilorama.com/site-building ... -redirects )... then just edit the page and change where it says "wordpress". If you've set it up in your htaccess you'll need to go in there and change it. (I've got a lesson on this to add to the lessons section very soon... cheers for the reminder.)

Question: Are you planning to have anything at http://myfavouritecandy.com, or is the blog the heart and soul of your website? If it's the main part of your website then you should probably have set it up so that it just runs from the root directory. Doesn't really matter though, but if your blog is the main page you'll have to set up 301 redirects in your htaccess to send all the PR and good link juice through to your blog page, because the search engines HATE going through PHP or META redirects. That lesson I'm about to add will show you how to do that.

Wow, I just can't stop writing novels!
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh! http://www.refreshyourcache.com/en/cache/
Posts: 12
Joined: 11 Oct 07
Great comments. I'll have to get back to this over the weekend so that I can digest it. Looks like I still have a bit of work to do. Right now, want to get back to the PPC campaigns I'm working on.

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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Yup, Aletta said it all!
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog http://mynetmarketingland.com/blog1/
Affiloblueprint Bonus: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/mark-ling/affiloblueprint.html