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My Ranking Dropped After Using Mr K Strategy

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My Ranking Dropped After Using Mr K Strategy

Hey Guys

I finally started building links last night via Mr K Backlink Strategy.
My site was in #1 position on Page One in google, but 24 hours after
i started building backlinks using the Mr K strategy KABOOM! my site has
dropped out of site.
It's still indexed by Google but just does not rank anywhere in the top 500.

I don't know what i did wrong if anything, all i know is that's 3 weeks worth of work down the tubes.
This is just a warning to other members make sure you know what
you are doing before you start using Mr K to build backlinks.
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What is Mr. K Strategy?
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Last edited by michellerana on 10 Nov 09 11:22 am, edited 1 time in total.

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How did you structure you Mr K strategy? I am eager to know. Because apart from AMA, this is the other strategy I use and has given me good SEO results. I have a few keys that has my site on the 1st page of the search engines and a lot of keywords on the 2nd page of google mostly between rank #11-18. My site receives 50+ uniques a day and has been consistent even though I have stopped my link building campaign on this.

A bit more information can help to further look into this so that other members can benefit on the information.

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OK, So here is what I did:

1 - Created a blog with 1 unique article + 2 links to website
2 - Created Squidoo lens with 1 unique article + 2 links to site + RSS from blog
3 - Created hubpages unique article with + 2 links to site + RSS from Squidoo

1 Day later my website dropped from #1 in google to no where to be found.
Mabe i didn't vary my anchor text enough, i don't know what else i did wrong?

BTW - Do you really think AMA is working? I have been a member for 2 months now. I
submit about 3 articles per week, i haven't noticed that much of a change in ranking.
If I may be so bold as to ask, what other methods are you using to boost your PR and BL?

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Last edited by michellerana on 10 Nov 09 11:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

"Does your success depend on Luck? - Yes, the harder you work, the luckier you become".
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That's exactly what I do so I dont know why it worked the other way for you. When I publish new pages I use the "Ms. K" not Mr. K backlink strategy. Then for current pages I use Mr K and then AMA. I do article interlinking so that my links look natural rather than just building links to my money site. I vary my anchor text as well. But initially I wasn't doing that. My anchor text will be my page title. I do forum and blog commenting as well. That's it for now. But I am looking at 3 other strategies that I will soon implement.

Are you building links only on your home page or are you deep linking?

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Don't worry, this is known in the seo world as the Google dance. Just continue getting backlinks, and you will do fine.

All the best,
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can some one guide me about Mr. K backlink strategy and tell me how to implement it ???
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Just to reinforce superaff's reply: ya it's the google dance. I have come to learn that when this happens to your ranking to be excited that it is a GOOD thing...since it means that your ranking is going to be shifted around (obviously, for the better)! So, congratulations, and I recommend you be patient, knowing that during this time your ranking power is in effect!
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Rankings may go up and down over time but youre really interested in your long term progress - and make sure you monitor with something like Traffic Travis to track your rankings for all your keywords.
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smuigal wrote:What is Mr. K Strategy?

samant wrote:can some one guide me about Mr. K backlink strategy and tell me how to implement it ???

Mr. K Strategy is a system created by Jason Katzenback to help increase traffic on your site. One of his strategies is Web 2.0 backlink method. You may download the Web 2.0 Traffic Secrets Interview with Mr K through this link.
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One other thing I've noticed is that if you're logged into your google account you may see your website ranking number 1 when in actual fact over the entire web it isn't.

I kept seeing my website at number 1 however after I found this out and tried the search again when I was completely logged out og my account I was actually ranking 7th.

I think Google is bringing you results based on how you browse when you're logged in, if you've been working on your site quite a bit recently then google will show you your site as been most relevant for that phrase.
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Consistency is the key. By that I mean if you have been posting one article per week, stick to it. The frequency can increase after checking the results.
Backlinking strategies can change based on results. The Mr. K Strategy is just a guideline. Using more authority sites will help.
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try forum posting or articles for quick indexing and increment in ranking.
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You do not need worry too much about that . just concentrate on regular link building methods, after sometime it will be shown on first page again.
Sometimes google drop ranking but again they pick up the best matching websites on the first page.
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its all depend on google panda algorithm, it will drop your ranking if your website is not original or your content is fake, try to be original :)
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This topic was started on Sep 17, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
