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MAJOR question for all the Gurus on this forum(Contraversial

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MAJOR question for all the Gurus on this forum(Contraversial

MAJOR question re "on-page" SEO

I just read this excerpt bellow from an ebook I purchased. It explains how a "real" website won't have the target keyword(s) in the title of the page, in all the H tags, in the domain, in the title of the blog, as the 1st word(s) in the first paragraph of its description, and related KWs taken from google wonder wheel & set up as categories on the site... etc, etc.

(here's the excerpt)

"• Being Too SEO Obvious
A ‘real’ web page will not have a perfect header that is identical to the titles
and links. A web page that is created to appeal to real people rather than
search engines is not usually so leading. Because of this, some search engines
may penalize a web site for being too obvious in their SEO attempts."


Do the search engines "penalize" a site if it is "perfectly" optimized for a given keyword, just like the gurus tell you to.

And to what degree should we NOT perfectly optimize our site, site structure & it's content?

Tough one HEY?

Like to see your answer for this one :-)
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skype- dimitrios5984
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What's he selling
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jimlm wrote:MAJOR question re "on-page" SEO

I just read this excerpt bellow from an ebook I purchased. It explains how a "real" website won't have the target keyword(s) in the title of the page, in all the H tags, in the domain, in the title of the blog, as the 1st word(s) in the first paragraph of its description, and related KWs taken from google wonder wheel & set up as categories on the site... etc, etc.


I don't read this paragraph in quite the same way. You have interpreted this as meaning you shouldn't put target keywords anywhere, but he doesn't mention keywords at all in that paragraph. Perhaps you've come to this conclusion based on content elsewhere in the ebook?

The paragraph (in isolation at least) is a bit ambiguous, but I think he's probably referring to how natural a web page appears, i.e. it should be written with humans rather than robots in mind.

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Last edited by paulweston on 01 Nov 10 2:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Oh no... we must put the target keywords here & there, to some degree... What I meant was, is it a good idea to put it in ALL the spots that the gurus currently tell you to (like I mentioned in my 1st post)?

(And no, I'm not talking about keyword stuffing, neither are the gurus).

It's easy to place the target keyword in "all the right spots", and have it written for humans, not robots, (and I'm not talking about writing for the robots).

I'm talking about the "proper" conventional method of on-site kw optimization.
... and the possibility that the search engines are picking up on the fact that a "real" website wouldn't be so "perfect" with it's onsite SEO... since a "real" site would look more natural.

Yeah, I know the paragraph is a bit ambiguous... But its sure as hell warrants serious discussion because I agree with the search engines (don't whip me...lol) ... in that natural websites would not be so well set up for a keyword.

Hence the possibility of the SEs frowning on that and sending you don't a few pages, because your site is screaming "affiliate marketer here"!.

I know that we ALL agree that the SEs are ONLY interested in sites that look natural!

What do you say?
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
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Ah, I see what you're saying.

I think if a page is about a specific topic, I would expect to see related keywords in those places and it needn't look unnatural.

That's the key test, I think, does it read well and is it written with humans in mind - usually it's easy to spot keyword stuffing.

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I agree with Paul. I think the writer was just telling you not to force your keywords into your title and article. Don't place a keywords where it doesn’t fit. Overdoing it with keywords will make your articles read unnaturally, and will lead to an unpleasant reading experience for your visitors.

Use the keywords within your article in a way that they make sense. You could rearrange the words to make your article reads naturally. Splitting them up in the article doesn't really matter much as long as they're arranged relatively close together.
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ok... Just to be clear... Everything that I'm talking about has nothing to do with keyword stuffing, or forcing a couple of extra keywords where they don't fit or read to well. That's all a given... and very old school.

I'm talking about the prescribed method of site structure & on-site SEO... (what we're doing NOW)... and the real possibility that the SEs are saying a natural website wouldn't be so perfectly optimized, and using that as a red flag.

That's the issue...

So... are the SEs now saying: "An imperfect site structure & on-site SEO is the real, natural site that gives value... and is less likely to have an affiliate pitch in it"! ????

Let's see you handle that doozie....

(and guys... this is serious, if not profound).
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
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I can't find any information on search engines penalizing sites that are "perfectly" optimized but over-optimization would cause a drop in rankings. Some examples of over-optimization are listed in these articles: Don't Over Optimize Your Site, Keyword Rich Internal Anchor Text – How Much Is Too Much?
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37: http://www.affilorama.com/pathwaytopassive
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Well done Michelle...!!

That's a great resource for everybody, both newbies and otherwise. It may give us some idea of what the SEs don't like.

Knowing what NOT to do, is as important as knowing what to do. Considering this whole issue about the SEs getting better at knowing what is natural, and what is not... you're resource can help.

At the end of the day, "perfect" SEO on-site optimization may be just as harmful as "over optimization".

How many "natural" websites have perfect SEO?

I think that's the question SEs are now asking.

What do you guys think?
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
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... hopefully the moderator will delete this spammer above, asap.

SERIOUS seo discussions only dude!
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http://howtogenerator-plansdiy.com/ http://fast-musclebuilding.com/

If you're a full-time affiliate guru living in Melbourne, come down to Transport bar in Federation Square (then go up to Transit cocktail lounge, uptstairs 2nd level) on Sat nights. That's where I'll be.

skype- dimitrios5984
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jimlm wrote:... hopefully the moderator will delete this spammer above, asap.

SERIOUS seo discussions only dude!

Its a ubot from China
Get them all the time on my sites
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Deleted. Thanks for reporting the post :)
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hey Jimlm,

If anyone checks out my blog closely, you will see that I don't have perfect seo on most of my posts. I don't rely on search traffic for it, but I still get some good rankings from time to time. it all depends on how you are marketing your site. I get most of my traffic from various forums, and blogs that I comment on and guest post on regularly.
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I have two websites which I "over optimize" yet still rank very well:

One with ~100 pages and every single page links to the home page with my anchor text keyword of choice. I rank #1 for that keyword that brings me about 4000 targeted uniques a month.

One with ~400 pages and every single page links to the home page with my anchor text of choice. This one is a 4-word long-tail which contains two more highly searched two-word keywords. I rank #1 for all 3 keywords.

Another example of this is Matt Carter's blog (which I think is pretty solid if you have never read it). Nearly all of his blog posts are targeting a specific IM-related keyword, and it is quite clear that he is targeting specific keywords with his posts - H1 tags, bolded or italicized keywords, links to that post within that post with his keyword, etc. Nearly every one of these posts ranks highly in google in a very short amount of time. Over-optimizing certainly is not hurting him.

If you write good content and build backlinks, you are going to rank well and on-page SEO can only help you as far as I am concerned. As long as you do not interfere with the quality of content, you would have to work really, really hard to over-optimize for on-page SEO.
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This topic was started on Nov 01, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.