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Keywords in folder names instead of pages?

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Joined: 13 Apr 09

Keywords in folder names instead of pages?

Hi all,

I'm setting up a website using .html pages because it works easily for me.

To make it look more professional I've put the keywords in folders instead of the .html file names.

My structure looks like this:


The links on my website point to 'category-name/', or 'category-name/internet-marketing/' instead of directly to the index.html because it will automatically load the index as soon as you point to the folder.

As for my question, will this affect ranking? Is Google not going to be confused with all the index pages, or will it take the folder keywords into account and point results to 'folder/'?

I'm curious if anyone has any experience with this. I think blogs work like this there must be some file that will automatically load right?

Thanks in advance for your answer(s).

Regards, Maarten
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Posts: 752
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Hi Maarten

Firstly I think you need to keep in mind that from an SEO perspective a flatter structure is better as pages that are buried deeply (within a lot of sub-folders, beyond one or two subdirectories deep), will often be crawled less frequently by Google and other search engines.

Google will always point a search result to a page not a folder even if the folder URL automatically redirects to an index file.

I think you're better off with less folders and making the page names with keywords, it will still look professional in my opinion.
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Thanks JasonDodd for your answer.

Do you know how blogs manage to pull this off then?
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Also, perhaps anyone else can post his view on this?
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Posts: 848
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Maarten, as to why blogs pull it off is probably because the pages are dynamic, database driven pages that only "appear" to have the folder structure because of a plug-in or a preference setting.

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