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Just got laid off, time to put my efforts in overdrive.

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Just got laid off, time to put my efforts in overdrive.

Yes it's true, I just got laid off from my job. They say that it will be only temporary, but they have lied to me before.

Anyway, the kids are away in college and the wife supports me all the way. I figure that I should be off for at least 2 months so I will be working on my affiliate marketing full time and then some.

I am writing this to get advice on how to use this time to the fullest. I will be working 7 days a week, up to 10 hours per day.

I already do article marketing for backlinks and will be doing some of that during this time but I am open to suggestion's on how I can best make use of this time.

I have been making some sales from my main site but they are here and there. This may be a bold statement but if I can get it to the point that I am making about $ 200.00 a week , I will not go back to my job as I could get by with that and my savings for a while.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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That's bad news but good news I guess. If you apply yourself, this could turn out to be a blessing!

Article marketing is a long term strategy. Have you tried anything more direct, PPC for example? What about video? Build up some good videos on Youtube and other sites, search out subscribers. Same goes for Facebook, create a fanpage. Give people some unique content. Search out leaders in your niche and engage them.

How's your list? Keep them up-to-date with what's happening in your niche, send them to videos that you create and possibly make free stuff and bonuses, etc. that nobody else has.

You'll need to live and breath your niche in order to make a strong, long term connection.

Most importantly, create a plan and don't get distracted. Entire days can be wasted when we don't know exactly what to do next.

I know you can do it!
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These are great tips esolutions.. these are great takeaways for me and everybody here.

Most importantly, create a plan and don't get distracted. Entire days can be wasted when we don't know exactly what to do next.

Couldn't agree more.. I am guilty of wasting hours thinking what I should do after I'm done with one task, or got bored with it

And Paul, if you're doing article marketing, try to get traffic from them as well not just backlinks.. Research your keywords well.. good luck!
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Hi Paul,

I won't say I'm sorry to hear you lost your job because that will go against my saying THINK POSITIVE! It's great that you have all that time to focus on your affiliate marketing projects. You have time now to pursue other hobbies and learn something new in the process. Not to mention all that time you get to spend some quality time with your partner. :)

I've always been a believer of schedules and routines. I would suggest you think about your goals and then think of how much time you need to spend of each task to accomplish each goal. You can then map out a schedule based on that.

I would suggest you add more to your backlinking strategy like forum and blog posting/commenting, guest posting. This is also a perfect time for you to read up on new backlinking strategies.

But what is most important is what esolutions have pointed out earlier: maintain your focus. Stick to the schedule you set and do your best not to get distracted. :)

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Hope you don't have to go back to work. Hope it works out.

Keep us updated on this thread and we will cheer you on!
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JC Dean
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Hi Paul

I can understand where you are at. At the moment I am going along a similar path.

My suggestions are to make sure that you develop multiple streams of income online. Don't just rely on one site or one type of site (eg. affiliate site, adsense site).

For example, I have one affiliate site that is ready to really take off. I average about one sale a week with 100 visitors a day, but no newsletter. I believe that with a bit of consistent effort backlinking (I mainly go after high PR links - I don't waste time on traditional article marketing - you shouldn't either) I can increase the visitors to several hundred a day and when I get my newsletter sequence up, I should be able to make a lot more sales: 80-90% of my visitors are new and this means that I am losing a lot of potential customers because they only see my site once and I don't get a chance to build a relationship with them. A lot of people these days are talking about "Relationship ROI" - especially Chris Farrell and Mike Filsaime.

Secondly, I have converted the articles on my site into a book which I am selling on Amazon. I published it about a month ago and it is currently selling about two copies a day and climbing quickly. If I can get this to around 20 a day, I will be free!!!

Thirdly, I am building a Facebook fanpage which I am going to sell this book for a lot more than on Amazon. I am going to use paid traffic for this, which means that once I find a profitable approach I can just scale it up infinitely and make huge money without having to waste time building links.

Fourthly, I will probably put this product on Clickbank and get other people to market it as well.

Fifthly, I have another book of about 400 pages (in a different niche) which I have almost completed. But I need to think about how to maximise the income potential of this as it could be a home run for me if I package it in the right way - it is very unique material in an almost untapped niche.

With a bit of hard work, I think that in the next few months I could be doing very well with making money online - without teaching people how to make money online!!!

So Paul, make sure that you are strategic about your approach. Work smart, rather than just hard!!!
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Nice plan easyrider!
And thank you all for your responses.

I am taking all of your info into consideration to put together a game plan. Even though article submission is not super effective, it has gotten my site and some internal pages to the top off google for some OK phrases and there are few blogs in my niche (world of Warcraft) that allow comments and the forums usually do not except links on them.

I will keep you all posted.
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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burkhardt5 wrote:Nice plan easyrider!
And thank you all for your responses.

I am taking all of your info into consideration to put together a game plan. Even though article submission is not super effective, it has gotten my site and some internal pages to the top off google for some OK phrases and there are few blogs in my niche (world of Warcraft) that allow comments and the forums usually do not except links on them.

I will keep you all posted.
Never Give Up!!!

Sounds good, Paul! If it works for you then I think you could continue doing it :) Try submitting your articles to sites with the highest percentage increase after the panda update (ie wikihow (79.1%), instructables.com (16.7%), howstuffworks.com (15.9%), ehow.com (13.6%) ).

I recommend that you also do guest posting. Submissions to the Affilorama YO Blog are being accepted. Approved articles get a do follow link from your Affilorama YO Blog post back to your site. And if your submission is really good, we may publish it on the regular Affilorama Blog, which means a backlink from a PR6 page. :)

You could look at your situation as a problem or an opportunity to change and improve. It will not be easy but if you work hard (and smart as Greg advised) I'm sure you'll efforts would be rewarded. It seems that you are looking at this positively and you have your wife's support so all seems well :) We're here for you, too!

All the best!
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Thanks again Michelle.

As always your advice is appreciated and I will add it to my plans.

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Paul J. Burkhardt
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This is turning into a great thread guys!

My thanks in particular to Greg (aka Easyrider) for his contribution here. Greg - you've given me some new ideas as well.

It shows how we can leverage our existing, high quality content by thinking laterally to branch off into different directions.

I'd also agree to work smarter not harder as you don't want to become discouraged and feeling burned-out through over-work and over-analysis as frequently happens.

Concentrating on one thing at a time is best, take it from me!

Good luck!
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The rhythm that best worked for me when i transition from job to full time IM was to concentrate my efforts on things that immediately made me money, then invest that money into long term things that would make me money. I would write articles for tons of different clients or do simple tasks for people who wanted to outsource. I spent little to none of my own money. IM paid directly for IM in my system, so there was little monetary loss here.

If you want to know some seriously sweet people to outsource to just contact me. Always willing to help someone starting out =)
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Thanks heavysm.

I seem to have a knack for writing that I didn't know I had so freelancing might be a good start.
I am taking in as much information as I can to put together a good game plan. Your info will be added to this game plan.

Thank You
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Paul J. Burkhardt
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Well there are more chances to succeed in this when you are hungry for it , as you don't have a job.)
So in a way- congratulations!
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Yulia- Affiliate Manager
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If you have just a little bit of education in this business, there should be no need for you to have to
go back to your job. It should be fairly simple for you to get above the $200 per week mark provided you
are doing affiliate marketing correctly. Re: Squeeze page, autoresponder, follow up series, sales page, and of course a great product/service to market.

List building and follow up are key to success, Articles, answers, yahoo answers, blogs and everything else
are great for backlinking, but if you aren't set up correctly; you will have limited success.

Here's to your success - And hopefully never returning to that job!

Marc LaClair
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mark schaaf
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My advice is absolutely do not work 7 days a week 10 hours a day, Just treat it as a full time job and take a lunch and don't work on weekends. My opinion is if you do that much you will just burn yourself out so bad you will never want to do it again. I would allot a certain amount of time to each thing you want to do each day. like maybe 2 hours of forum and blog comments, a couple hours of article writing, re read your sites pages and make them better. Read more on what your subject is to learn more about what you are doing. The more people think of you as an expert the more people will trust what you are telling them and the more people will tell there friends about your site. Hopefully if you can get things going you can tell your lieing company to stick it. If your company is like the place I used to work for they said they weren't making enough profit and needed to cut down. Then the owner spent 300,000 on a 16th birthday party for his daughter so I knew then I wasn't going back. The biggest problem I have is I like doing what I am doing on the web but not making enough money at it. but because I am 55 I can't even get an interview. With my experience, degrees they don't let me in the door. Right now I would rather do what I an doing and be poor then take a job making less then half what I was making knowing all that I know and being lied to all the time. I know have a big trust problem. But again treat it as a job and don't over do it try and make it fun. Mark
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easyrider wrote:
Secondly, I have converted the articles on my site into a book which I am selling on Amazon. I published it about a month ago and it is currently selling about two copies a day and climbing quickly. If I can get this to around 20 a day, I will be free!!!


Will Amazon consider the articles from yr site as duplicate content and not allowed to be published? I heard that duplicate content from PLR articles are the no no for Amazon kindle or ebook. Is it true?

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Hi Eileen,

I know Amazon doesn't like duplicate content. They usually ask if there is another place online that you have the same book or same set of articles. In Greg's case, from what I understand of his post, is he gathered the information from his newsletters and used it to create an eBook. So while the articles/newsletters may have the same information as the eBook, they are not completely same material.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Thank you Mark

Your right, I will not drive myself crazy and spend all my time working on my sites. I would probably start making bad choices and writing poor content if I get burnt out.

I will devote some time to each aspect of the business and take time for other things.

Thanks again to everyone!
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Paul J. Burkhardt

This topic was started on Feb 21, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.