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Issue with Google Webmaster Tools

Posts: 3
Joined: 18 Jul 12

Issue with Google Webmaster Tools

When I first created my blog a few weeks ago, I used Wordpress to host my blog and submitted the sitemap to Google. Since then, I've changed to JustHost.com to host it instead.

However, upon checking the Traffic Search Queries, I'm highly ranked for a few pages but those are dead links and I'm losing traffic because of it. I've tried to redirect them with a plugin but it's not working.

Why is this? Could it be something to do with my old Wordpress account?
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Joined: 18 Jun 12
I have been through the same thing. Anytime you change hosts it is going to screw things up for a little while.

Usually Google updates about every six weeks. You blog is fairly new so I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep blogging away and the SERP's will catch up with you. I would use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin too.

Hope this helps.
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seogorilla wrote:I have been through the same thing. Anytime you change hosts it is going to screw things up for a little while.

Usually Google updates about every six weeks. You blog is fairly new so I wouldn't worry about it. Just keep blogging away and the SERP's will catch up with you. I would use the Google XML Sitemaps plugin too.

Hope this helps.

Thanks mate. I appreciate your help. I ended up submitting the same website but without the "www.", would that make any difference good or bad?
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Joined: 08 Aug 12
you can visit this site for help
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This topic was started on Aug 07, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
