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Is Link Baiting a Natural SEO Process?

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Joined: 05 Jan 13

Is Link Baiting a Natural SEO Process?

Should link baiting take place naturally or is it like any other SEO technique that needs to be implemented or employed by the marketer? Do marketers get benefited by link baiting immensely?
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi kallayprasanth05,

Link baiting is referring to other sites on your article and citing them as reference. You then let the site owners know you've referred to their sites on your own, and hope they link back to you on their next post. It's natural to search engines in that it's done manually, and the links appear necessary on the article.

But if you think about the process, it's not really that natural because you are purposely putting those links on there with the aim of getting those site to link to you and refer to the article you wrote which featured their site.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Whilst Cecille above lists one version of link baiting, I would like to provide another:


If you can create a great inforgraphic that you then push out across all the social media platform, you should get a natural influx of links pointing to your site in no time.

Just be sure to take your time and provide the BEST INFOGRAPHIC POSSIBLE, and you should be fine.
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http://myleadgenerationbiz.com - How I Make My Living Online
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Linkbait techniques basically are about the content on your site that is likely to result in natural shares.
For instance, if there is an exclusive presentation, or an awesome e-book on a site, that's a good linkbait technique, because people may eventually start linking to such content.
There are some interesting details about fresh linkbait techniques in this post on one of my favorite seo blogs: http://www.link-assistant.com/blog/rede ... k-in-2013/
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Posts: 16
Joined: 21 Dec 12
Link baiting is important to enhance online presence of a particular website as it helps you indirectly build back links or links from other sites to your sites.
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This topic was started on Jul 20, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
