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Interesting Video about upcoming Google changes to SEO

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Joined: 15 Nov 08

Interesting Video about upcoming Google changes to SEO

If SEO does get turned on its ear and I suspect it will gradually, how will this affect affiliate marketing? It seems to me that quality will be king and it will get rid of the junk affiliate sites that provide links and no content.

Will the methods Mark describes still be relevant? I am a newbie and am curious what he may say.

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Posts: 662
Joined: 27 Oct 08
like you said as long as your making quality sites you should have nothing to worry bout and if they are quality then you mite end up top ranking after the junk sites are kicked
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For the best guide to sell physcal products as a affiliate check out Matt Carters Rapid Profit Formula http://online-income-masters.com/getrapidprofitformula.php

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Joined: 25 Jan 07
Like billy said, keep producing sites of quality content and you have nothing to worry about. SEO will be in for the long term, it's not going anywhere soon.
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Quality sites with a lot of links. And you will be fine.

If you understand your niche, your site can only be welcomed by Google and all other search engines.
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Even with a quality site and lots of links, I don't see how this helps. If the end user ultimately is served up links based on the things they search on regularly, how will keywords even matter? Also if a person can delete listings, rate them up or down, it takes away the value that you build in your site. I guess what it comes down to is good business. It's the same concept of a brick and mortar store. You wouldn't want to have a store called "Apples" and then sell hand grenades. I think the more on-topic your site is and how relevant your content is throughout is what will help. If your entire site is themed well, I can see it performing much better.
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