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I need a keyword tool compatible with Mac

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I need a keyword tool compatible with Mac

Hi everyone!

Im just new to Affilorama and am using the blueprint process and am feeling really excited...except the part when I tried to download traffic travis to create my keyword list and found out that it was only compatible with windows (which wouldnt be a problem if I could get VMware fusion to run windows on my computer but I can't seem to do that either)
does anyone know of another keyword tool that is compatible with Mac's?? preferably free?

Thanks for you help

In Joy
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Last edited by michellerana on 11 Oct 09 5:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: title changed to describe the post better

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Joined: 17 May 06
Hi there,

We are looking into a mac version of the software, however vmware fusion should work! Make sure you've got the latest fusion version, then look into getting the free Windows 7 RC

Traffic Travis will be Windows 7 compatible in the next release, due in the next day or two.
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Thanks Nick,
Do you have a rough idea of when a Mac friendly Traffic Travis will be up and running??
I am still having problems installing vmfusion it tells be that it cant be opened because
It is not supported on this architecture...I have a PowerBook G4 so thought it wouldn't be a problem!! back to the drawing board I guess...I'm not sure if this is a little too cheeky but do you know of any similar programmes that are compatible with Mac's??
Thanks again
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Hi - I too am having trouble installing vm fusion on my mac. What can we use instead of Traffic Travis that is as good and is free and mac compatible? Also when is the mac version going to be available? Many thanks - Sarah
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hey guys,

as i mentioned on another post, you'll save yourself a lot of heartache if you get yourself and inexpensive pc especially if y'all serious about im for the long haul.

i'm a huge apple and mac fan. swore i'd never touch a pc years ago, but after nightmare after nightmare of trying to find compatible mac products and failing and trying boot camp and failing i bit the bullet and bought a 500 buck dell.

trust me, you'll save yourself a lot of headache down the road.

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about biting the bullet and just picking up an inexpensive pc: Oh man, I hate to say it but I was actually thinking about this option a day or 2 ago with some hesitancy. I do have boot camp and it runs fine but the hassle of turning the mac side off and starting up the windows side is laborious and inconvenient and kills productivity.

So the prospect of buying a cheap pc laptop is looking like the best solution as of yet, HOWEVER, I'm sure having 2 computers will bring its own complications in the end as well; such as having 2 computers to lug around everywhere you go (I am a traveler), sending files back and forth between laptops and so on...

Not sure yet what to do as my macbook is still only 3 months old! and can't imagine having to switch to pc (sorry pc users - just a preference thing).

What's a guy to do?
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Net books are a relatively inexpensive option, if you can deal with the small screen, though if you have a monitor or a tv from the last 2 or 3 years, you just might have a VGA connector that can give you better screen capabilities ;)

Also, a refurbished desktop or laptop can make a useful tool, especially if you just need it for "light" work.

(I'd just make sure that it exceeds the capabilities of the program you're wanting to run a bit, so that an upgrade in software won't leave you stranded.)

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thanks for the advice gradyp - I sure do welcome it and appreciate it :)
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“Online social media is quickly eradicating off page SEO as a viable means of gaining rankings.”
- Charles Heflin (cutting edge SEO expert)
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Hi all,

I have mentioned this on a couple of other posts - There is no need to buy a PC to run PC only programs. There is also no need to spend money on a great emulator for the Mac.

I too am a mac user. I have used various PC emulators on the mac before, but none can beat http://www.VirtualBox.org which is made by Sun, and the price is definitely right... FREE! You still of course need to have a valid license for Windows (whatever version you wish to install inside) to run in the Virtual Machine, but a great program.

If you don't have a license for Windows, there is another fantastic tool called Crossover which you can download a free trial of, which I have tested with running Traffic Travis from inside it. It basically lets you load Windows software from within your Mac as though it were native.

Check it out at http://www.codeweavers.com/products/crossover/
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Abel Haslett
Think Tank Solutions
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Can crossover negatively affect your mac in any way? What are the downsides to it?
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Get Market Samurai, it works on Mac or PC.
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Crossover shouldn't affect your Mac's performance negatively.

Over the past several months we have been trialing different methods of delivering a high quality version of Traffic Travis V4 for the Mac.

Unfortunately we have been unable to come up with a solid solution without re-writing the whole of the application and ending up with two separate code bases and a below par product.

Therefore, we have decided to cancel the Mac edition at this time.

We are however currently building an online suite of tools, which would include most of the functionality of Traffic Travis V4. This has been in development for the past 6 months and will have a release date set for near the end of this year.

So instead of a Mac version, we are working on an online version of the software at the moment which will mean you will be able to use it even if you're on Mac.

Please keep an eye on the Affilorama blog as you will probably be notified through there first.

All the best!
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If you want a standalone application for keyword research, there is Market Samurai. Market Samurai basically get results from Google keyword tool. You can also use wordtracker which will give u more long-tail keywords. Read SEO for Mac.
Hope this helps.
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As an alternative, you can think about Web-based tools, such as provided by Raven and SEOmoz. As for the desktop SEO software for Mac, I've been using Market Samurai and SEO PowerSuite, but the Rank Tracker and Spyglass (scans backlinks) of SEO PowerSuite are much better, in my opinion, though I keep on using both tools. And yes, I use both Mac and PC :)
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I agree with mbeelow to use web-based tools as alternative. I actually find Raven very handy and if you are interested about tracking your traffic and backlinks, Raven is probably one of the best tracking tools I have used.
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