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How to include long-tail keyword in url for SEO???

aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10

How to include long-tail keyword in url for SEO???

Need some help ppl..
I have been looking at the basics SEO and what ways to improve, the best advice I have taken from Mark ling, Mark & Daniel. Try and focus on long-tail keywords that have a good search. And base uour website around that keyword phase.
Lets say I have a keyword phase (how to stop my dog from licking himself) in the dog trainng if this search has 2000+ search and low completion as my primary word or phase, how do I include this key phase in my URL? als when doing anchor txt do i use all words??
Anyone have any ideas?
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If you're using WordPress, you can have your keywords within the URLs of your posts/pages by setting the permalink to /%postname%/. You can set this in the Settings menu > Permalink > Custom Structure field. Choosing this option lets you use the title of your article as its permalink (or URL). So if you have an article with the title "how to stop my dog from licking himself" (remember to put your keywords in your post/page title too), the resulting permalink for that article will be like this:

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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
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Thanks for the reply. What i meant is the domain name. is it worth having the domain name linked to that?

Yes I am using (Word Press) with different sub-headings, how would I use 2 or 3 long-tail keywords or phases in title and domain name. for e.g. mark word press blog is www.flightsimulatorinfo.com and his title is the same without (www. and com)
That is pretty easy to place in domain name. But how would I do that with a long tail keyword? Without it being a mouth full and given it a boost on that long-tail key word search phase.

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Well personally, I first choose my main keyword and then register a domain based from that keyword. If you're concentrating on the keyword "how to stop my dog from licking himself" then I suggest that you go for something like stopdoglicking.com or stopdoglickingnow.com. The first one is already registered by someone else, though. My suggestion is, do an intensive keyword research first and then choose just the main words and not the entire long-tailed keyword as your domain name.
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The rationale behind Mike's suggestion is that shorter domain names are easier to remember than longer ones.

And if you will be doing PPC in the future, adwords in particular, there is a limit on the number of characters that can be used in the display URL on ads, so if your domain name is very long, it may exceed the limit.
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aveya marketing
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Thanks. When doing research in google search box. Iv have seen it done in 2ways 1 with "Keyword" and the other with (allintitle:"keyword") what one is best?
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aveya marketing wrote:Thanks. When doing research in google search box. Iv have seen it done in 2ways 1 with "Keyword" and the other with (allintitle:"keyword") what one is best?

Most people take into account both because they tell you different things. The first is finding the exact match of the phrase within the web page whereas the second tell you whether there is an exact match of the phrase found in the title.

At first I used both as a sort of metric, ie. if allintitle:"keyword" is less than 2000 say, then I would conclude it was easy pickings to rank for it. Same with "keyword" though usually the benchmark value is much higher. Nowadays I usually just do without and look into the results on the first page and make sure there aren't too many high authority pages.

Hope that helps.

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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
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Thanks Joshua that cleared that for me.
When doing squidoo and others is it wise to sprinkle keyword phrases in the articles that I wanna rank for?
Or just make it more general and just have the title as keyword that I want to rank for? Any ideas anyone
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No problem. :)

It is usually a good SEO practice to have your keyword phrase in the article title be it a Squidoo article or others. Reason being titles are in heading tags that get picked up by search engines so you want your keyword to be recognized.

With regards to sprinkling your keywords in the article itself, most people would recommend about 3-7% density in your article. This means your keyword phrase is repeated 3 to 7 times every 100 words or so in your article. Do take note that stop words like "is" and "our" don't count. So practically that would mean you mention your keyword perhaps every two paragraphs or so. If possible, try to include your keywords in the first sentence or at least the first paragraph as well as the last paragraph.

Hope that answers your question. Just to recap, it is a good idea to have your keyword both in your title as well as in your article itself (first and last paragraph especially). This helps search engines establish the relevance of your article to your keyword and makes sure the first mention of your keyword isn't an isolated incident.

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aveya marketing
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What I meant regards to once I have spun or rewritten my article to post on web 2.0 site. Would it be wise to have seo title(let's say it has a low compition and good search vol) and having that title placed in the web 2.0 article as well as in the article? I already have my articles on my web site with keyword density 1.9 little bit lower from what you have mentioned. I want to tackle another avenues such as you tube and web 2.0 to use my spun articles to maximise my content.
You may have answered this question already.
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What I meant regards to once I have spun or rewritten my article to post on web 2.0 site. Would it be wise to have seo title(let's say it has a low compition and good search vol) and having that title placed in the web 2.0 article as well as in the article? I already have my articles on my web site with keyword density 1.9 little bit lower from what you have mentioned. I want to tackle another avenues such as you tube and web 2.0 to use my spun articles to maximise my content.

Yup, I still keep the keywords in the Web 2.0 sites and other sources. I'm assuming you're doing this for backlinks. If that is the case then you definitely you want to use one or two of this keywords on these other sites as links back to your main website as well. The idea is that search engines find these Web 2.0 pages, determine the content relevant to your keyword, and follow the link back to your main page which boosts your main page's authority. It's like a referral system. :)

Just thought I'd also mention in case anyone wonders... you also don't need to worry about these other pages competing with your main site. If anything, it's a win win situation. What could be better if you have these articles/sites ranking on the first page of the search results for your chosen keyword along with your main site (I've actually had this happen before, lol)? It's like pushing your competitors all of the front page (some people deliberately do it in fact)! Besides, if they happen to click your other articles there's a link going back to your main site so you're still covered.

Ok, that was an overlong answer to a simple question. I need to learn how to get to the point quicker. ;) Hope that answers your question though.

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aveya marketing
Posts: 57
Joined: 30 Dec 10
thanks for the info. i see where i need some adjusting.
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I agree with Joshua. In fact, that is one thing I help people do with sites like hubpages. You can usually get your content on those sites ranking faster than your own brand new domain, so leverage that. I like to get Web2.0 sites ranking for my keywords as well as for a variety of related keywords. they all bring more traffic to my site, so I benefit from it in the long run anyway.
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About keyword density in your article, I think 3% to 7% is to high these days. 7% may get you penalized for keyword stuffing. EzineArticles.com will reject any article that has more than 2% keywords.
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