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how to build links to a to a site with lots of pages

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how to build links to a to a site with lots of pages

whats the best way to build links to a site with lots of pages say 100+ ? i have outsourced the link building but it is only for 4 different pages on my site because thats all i can afford at the moment. Should i just concentrate on the pages i want ranking the most or should i get links to all pages?

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Hi Dave,

Links to your top level (the homepage) help your site across the board, so that's a good overall strategy if you don't know exactly where you want your links to point. Next, determine which page/keyword you want to dominate and focus on building just to that page until you have your desired ranking, then move on to the next. If you spread your links out too much between pages you will just dilute the effectiveness (unless you have time/money/team to focus on many keywords at once in which case, more power to you!).
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You could do deep linking (linking to internal pages) especially on pages that you want to get ranked for. This will help index other pages on your site but make sure that the topic of the page that you link to is relevant.
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Hi Dave,

Back-links to your website are in two forms; individual pages and to the site itself although page back-links do contribute to your overall website back-links. When you check rankings and back-links for a keyword the stats will show the rankings for a sites with pages relevant to the keyword and display back-links for the page as well as back-links for the site. Overall website back-links to the site can help can help the page to rank higher, especially if some of the back-links are from autority websites. As you have 100+ pages this could be quite some work.

Is your website monitised or are you endeavouring to use your website to capture leads for a newsletter series? The reason I ask is that if you are employing email marketing to make money online, which I personally think is the best way, then the focus of your site should be information sharing for the purpose to capture leads.

Is your website a blog? The reason I ask this is that you can always display your lead capture in your side-bar as well as employing a pop-over. This means that no matter what page your visitors ar viewing your Lead Capture/Opt-In box is always visible.

Depending on the role of your site it would pay to prioritise pages that you want to have ranked first and then look at how you propose to rank them. You have two avenues available to you; you can outsource, as you are doing at present, which can be quite costly especially with the number of pages you have. Your other option is to do it yourself but first you need to clearly understand SEO and invest in a few tools.

What sort of timeframe are you working to? How quick do you need results?

Did you write all your own content? The reason I ask this is that if you did then you probably have a flare for writing. Consider taking some of your priority pages and write a new article using the same keywords and submit to Ezine Articles as this gives you two valuable links in your resource box; post one link to your page and the other link to your site. Also consider similar sites like Articlebase, Hubpages, Squidoo, etc. This can be time consumming but if you have the time then this will work.

I think your current strategy of ranking page by page will work for you over time and is probably the best way for you to go considering your circumstances.

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John Albrett
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When you post articles to UniqueArticleWizard you are allowed to put in tons of resource boxes. Typically the articles I submit (500 word articles) will get submitted to about 300 to 400 blogs/directories etc... You could submit articles to UAW and then have as many resource boxes per article as you like. You could even add in 100 but since it is random and not all submissions are accepted I would suggest no more than 20 per article.

What I usually do with my article submissions is the first time I submit an article I will have about 3 to 5 resource boxes. My priority pages are backlinked. Then after a few weeks I resubmit the same article and add in to to 20 resource boxes that go to a variety of backlinks. Usually my web2.0 pages, other blogs, Ezinearticles etc... and I also will add in other URL's of my site.

You get more submissions accepted if your articles are 500 words or more.

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i see you mentioned you can't afford to pay for anymore backlinking. have you visited fiverr.com before? you can search around the site, and hire someone to do some backlinking for you for only $5 per job. just a few minutes ago i saw an offer someone had for 500 one way links they'll create for you for $5.
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Usually, dont build a site that fast. It doesn't matter how many pages you have on your site if nobody knows it exists. Yes, over time you need a lot of content, but I would rather start off with a few pages, build links to those, and then add new pages over time, building links to each page as you go. This shows you having fresh content added regularly.
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I have a question about UniqueArticle Wizard which I purchased and let's say, am trying out at the moment!

I see it has been mentioned in this thread and was wondering if there is any other software that has a similar function, but does not have that monthly fee.

I find the monthly fee a bit pressing economically. I would rather pay a little more and have a one time fee. I believe that Marc mentioned one in one of the videos. I relistened to them and couldnt find it. Can anyone tell me if this is a good software. I clicked on it because there was a button on Rapid Rewriter which I bought last week
. I hope I havent made a mistake as Marc didnt mention this at all!

(I hope I have not gone off this thread)
I would be extremely grateful if someone could give me some advice.

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The Best Spinner ($7 for a 7 day trial, then $77 per year) and Article Marketing Robot one time payment of $97 have been recommended by other Affilorama members.

Disclaimer: I am not endorsing or recommending these services. I recommend that you do proper research and try to ask feedback from other members.

Hope that helps! :)
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