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How much traffic does an average site get per day?

Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06

How much traffic does an average site get per day?

Hi everyone,

I'm new here so this is probably a real dumb question, if so tell me.

I have just designed and uploaded my first ever website and the people I know who have seen it say it's good.

I uploaded it on the 26th November and have just crossed 2000 hit, last night (just under a month). I have no idea how this compares to other sites, hits-wise (yes I am that green!). What sort of traffic constitutes a busy site and what's an average rate?

I have done the mini course and seen the hits for Marks ads in adwords but not for an actual website. :shock:
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Well a hit is not the same as a visitor.... a hit is a call to a certain file on your site... be it a page, picture, form, etc.... you are going to want to know the number of "uniques" or unique visitors to your page per day... I would say a "busy" site is about 1000 unique people per day.

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Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06
Thanks Adrian

On thise figures I'm 1/3 of the way there.

Given that it's my first site and it's not SEO'd yet, I feel pretty good then.

Now it's stage 2 - Monetize (I hate that term)

I've signed up with adsense and downloaded the videos and notes off Affilorama, so here goes!
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Posts: 200
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Nick work Mimenta, stick with it... and welcome to Affiorama :)

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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
hey Mimenta,

Good to see another Melburnian around here.

How have you been getting traffic to your site so far?

Once you get cracking with the SEO, things will really start to accelerate.
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Posts: 63
Joined: 11 Dec 06
You asked how I get my traffic. . .

We were having a debate and I said that good effective traffic was achievable if you gave your readers a worthwhile experience - interesting content, well supported by graphics and easy to navigate. In the long run your traffic will be more consistant and more likely to deal with you. The others disagreed saying you needed flash for action graphics, traffic generators like traffic swarm or top surfer to start getting known. I set out to prove my point.

I have also discovered a few other interesting things too - when I update the website, my traffic jumps for the next two days.

I tried Traffic Swarm for 24 hours and had a surge in uniques the next 24 hours but very little residual increase after 48 hours. All the new viewers did not pass the first page, however the next 24 hours I had an increase on other pages - as if they bookmarked it for later because something took their interest.
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