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How Many Articles to Start Building Links for?

Posts: 8
Joined: 29 Jul 12

How Many Articles to Start Building Links for?

Is it advisable to focus link building efforts one two or three pages at time, wait until they start ranking and then move forward to other articles or build links evenly to all articles on your site (over 20).
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Posts: 6369
Joined: 25 Feb 11
Hi kanejohnston,

Yes, you can build links to your pages two to three pages at a time, or one at a time. Then move on to the other pages once the first ones start to rank and get regular traffic. I suggest you look at your articles and build links to those that target keywords with high buyer intent.

If you have Affiloblueprint, then look at the Step 7 Resources. If I remember correctly, Mark included a link building strategy there.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Posts: 4
Joined: 03 Aug 13
it should be 25 for best out put result..............
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Posts: 16
Joined: 21 Dec 12
thanks for sharing about link building.

Link building is best for search engine optimization.
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This topic was started on Aug 05, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.