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How can I Boost my Article Rankings on Google?

Posts: 33
Joined: 07 Apr 08

How can I Boost my Article Rankings on Google?

High there...

I have written an article and it is on page 4 for google for the certain keyword I am targeting... do you guys have any tactics to suggest for giving it a bit more of a boost? I was wondering if even giving it a vote may help...

What do you reckon... heres the article...

(broken link removed)

Thank all for your help
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Last edited by ampie g on 20 Jan 10 2:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed

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I woudln't suggest trying to improve that ranking page of EZArticles, although you can..... you should be trying to use as many articles pointing to YOUR site instead :D
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Hey kiwiboy, I read your article, and I can say that there's not much information in the body itself.

Readers want to get information right away - give them a little bit of meat on "how to be a good wife" - say, about 2 or 3 pointers as a start. If they like it, they would want more from you - that's when they click your link (and Google might also think that your article is more relevant to the search term that you're targeting for).

May the force be with you! :idea:
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:lol: build more backlink
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I agree with Adrian here, why sweat out to highly rank your article posted in ezinearticles? I think you should concentrate on ranking your own site instead.
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Posts: 33
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kia ora for your comments and advice... i got the picture now... cheers
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I say the same. Increase your website ranking.

Build your own asset instead of trying to build someone else's site.

As for this link: "Click Here for the soul mate success" you are losing some seo juice with this. Make sure that you use the proper anchor text.

I mean with your money making keyword.

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I tend to disagree with rest. SEO is not about number of links but number of quality links..

Work on your articles. Its not about there rankings but getting them good links so that they gain more prominence for search engines and become authority backlinks.

Ezine articles, squidoo lens, hub pages can quickly get pagerank 2-4 if you link to them in the right way. Do some bookmarking etc for them. You will see them gaining page rank in the next update.
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I too didn't understand why one would spend time and money promoting an article on someone else's site (ezine, squidoo, etc). What it does is create an incredibly powerful backlink to your site. And that, as you know, will help rank you on the SERPs. Ezine is already a high authority site. Whereas your new blog is going to take some time to rank. So you rank the ezine article, which points to your site..
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You may wish to check this out:

Good luck
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