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HELP my Urls have been dropped out of googles search results

Posts: 42
Joined: 09 Apr 09

HELP my Urls have been dropped out of googles search results

Hi Guys

My apologies im having a bit of a panic, I have only recently put up my site about a week and a few days ago,
anyhow i have been using traffic travis to monitor my rankings on various pages and search terms and for my review pages i was doing quite well for one search term "12 hour cure for yeast infection review" i was on 10 in the results, and i havent begun any offsite seo yet.

there were numerous others that were coming up slowly as well, but BAM today i check and they are all completely dropped from the SERPS

I think it may be something to do with the Robots.txt..

Anyway , after viewing the video lesson about putting a link into your robots.txt to your sitemap.xml(something i had never thought about and thought was really neat) i did this by searching for a topic on how to do this on the internet, and i found this site that said if you dont put a space eg: then your urls dont get indexed - so i had my robots as below when the spiders came around...

Sitemap: http://www.remediesforthrush.com/sitemap.xml

User-Agent: *
Allow: /

my root rankings remain unchanged http://www.remediesforthrush.com
so i guess it must be something to do with the pesky space, i have removed it to see if this fixes the problems.

so now it looks like this:
Sitemap: http://www.remediesforthrush.com/sitemap.xml
User-Agent: *
Allow: /

Please help me regarding this as the implications are obvious, the articles and reviews are original, i wrote them myself.

Thanks & kind regards
* trying not to panic
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Authenticity Marketing
Posts: 43
Joined: 02 Apr 09
That seems to be normal Google behaviour for new sites. It ranks them high to start with then they disappear. I was ranked #6 for 1 keyword phrase within 24 hours of being indexed. After a few days it disppeared from the rankings completely. Only after 3 months or so is it slowly returning anywhere near the top 10
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Posts: 42
Joined: 09 Apr 09
oh ok so i can breathe a sigh of relief! Whew...
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Authenticity Marketing
Posts: 191
Joined: 22 Apr 09
wow, I am on week 5 now and just took a look at your site, I cannot comment on the monetization as I am still learning myself, but wow, I think your website looks great. fantastic work
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Posts: 42
Joined: 09 Apr 09
Thanks Blu Butterfly, i did it in html and css, it was off a template, i recommend wordpress though as im now doing it that way!
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Authenticity Marketing
Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
hey Brian, just had a quick look and it looks like you're on track there. Seems to be getting a bit of traffic too, hope you're making a few sales off it ;)

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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Hey Sean,

Yeah i have been getting sales, things are good, but recently ive noticed a dip in visits (90 or so a day down to 30) any ideas?, so i guess you cant rest on your laurels.. im hoping to get my next site up and generating cash over the next 2 weeks, and then start on my 3rd
by then i should be able to help get a lot of the "hard work" paid for so i can concentrate further on the things that matter..

Nice landing page by the way, looks really cool, youve got it down to an art, i hope to be able to do that too!

kind regards
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Authenticity Marketing
Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
Cheers Brian.

Traffic does wax and wane a bit when your terms aren't solid yet. Really takes a few months before things start to settle down. It sucks, but you've just gotta keep on moving forward :)

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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world

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