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Google Penalizes Blog Networks

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Google Penalizes Blog Networks

SEORoundTable and Search Engine Land reports blog networks were penalized by Google. Buildmyrank.com is one such blog network and has confirmed that they were hit and are now offering refunds to customers. You can visit the below article for the rest of the story:

Google Penalizes Blog Networks, Did SEOs Use It To Hurt Competitors?

There's been some pretty interesting comments surrounding this. What are YOUR thoughts?
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The more that we diversify links and focus on building a strong, quality brand and site, the less likely we are to be affected by this type of stuff that happens all the time with Google.

It may be frustrating to hear that you have to put in the time and effort, but the fast and easy ranking methods also die out quickly.
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If you use "hit and run" methods to make a quick buck then you'd best be prepared to do that run - in "fly by night" mode - hopefully with the cash intact.

If you want long term business, you've got to practice that "golden rule". My favorite eCommerce guru recommends, "You don't want 'Sales' - you want to build Long Term Business Relationships." Most every business person knows that returning customers are much more profitable than one-off sales.

You don't build long term customers (or online authority) with sleazy sales methods.

I find it interesting that some are saying that bringing down these automatic backlinking methods and such are "leveling the playing field" for those who put in the time and effort to build high quality backlinks. Guess we can expect a lot more attention on "link profiles" and link quality.

Seems Google is implementing new, more powerful tek to make their ideas of page quality and "a good user experience" a requirement (not an option) to make money online.
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"You don't want 'Sales' - you want to build Long Term Business Relationships."

This is very true and this is why we recommend you build an authority site because this type of site builds trust. Consumers are more likely to purchase from someone they trust. This is something that is not done overnight.

I think most marketers pay more attention to getting their pages ranking rather than build a reputation for their site so they go for methods that will help them gain rank quickly. What they should focus on is getting traffic to their site. Promote your site by helping out others in forums within your niche. Comment on blogs and let everyone in your niche know that you know what you are talking about. These not only give you backlinks, they boost your website's traffic and reputation. Once you get plenty of traffic on your site, then your pages will rank. This method is slow, yes, but the effects are good and long term.

Thanks for sharing your opinions. Keep them coming! :)
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Sam, one of our senior staff, wrote a nice post regarding this topic:

The Google Blog Network Massacre - Blog Networks Deindexed

It explains what blog networks are and provides an explanation on why Google is targeting blog networks. A good read! :)
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I have never really been tempted by these sorts of networks. There was always going to be a day when they were cracked down on by Google.

Fortunately I have developed my own SEO formula that is really starting to pay dividends for me. In the last month or so my search engine traffic has gone up by a factor of about 5. [And no, I'm not trying to sell you any SEO products!!!] Google is really starting to like me (compared to last year when it definitely didn't)! The temptation though is trying to be too aggressive and getting penalised.

But I just don't see the point in paying to get on someone else's network when I can quite easily put my links on other quality sites for free - without having to write and spin any articles!
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It's the lure of reaching your goal faster. That's why there are a lot of marketers out there that join similar networks. Building backlinks is a tedious, boring process so most would really rather not do it if there are other options available. The catch is that it's better to do thing slowly but surely.
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As long as blog networks resort to genuine methods of blog commenting and linking they need not face the wrath of Google. They may have to face the music the moment they swerve from the right path!
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