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Google keywords from an adwords account

Posts: 56
Joined: 04 Jun 09

Google keywords from an adwords account

Hi, I am not currently signed up to adwords as I don't use it yet. However from my understanding you can get a lot more keywords from the adwords account. So can I just sign-up for adwords just to check out extra keywords or will my account not work if I only sign-up, do you need a live active account. I am also wondering if my account will be considered dormant if I just use it for keywords for seo purposes and don't set up a campaign. Appreciate any help,

Cheers Chett
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Posts: 55
Joined: 24 Mar 10
Hi Chett,

I only use my Adwords Account for the keyword tool. You do get a LOT more keywords! :)

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Posts: 56
Joined: 04 Jun 09
Thanks Lynda, I'll get signed up, just me being a bit paranoid about google I think.
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Posts: 55
Joined: 24 Mar 10
Don't worry Chett, I had the same concerns before signing up. :) Enjoy!
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This topic was started on Jan 18, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
