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google back link count goofy

mark schaaf
Posts: 365
Joined: 04 Oct 10

google back link count goofy

For a long time i have never seen any google back links on any link counters I have used. After getting some advice from people on the forum I decided to go to my google web masters account where they told me how to check for google back links. While typing in link: and my url links begin to pop up but as soon as i finish typing in the .com I get a page that says listing or something to that effect not found. I tried it again without the .com and saw many google links. I went into my normal back link checker and put in my url without the .com and had a lot of google back links. so here is the question, why is google only counting back links without the .com. I have never put my url into anything without the .com whether it is joining a forum that you fill out a profile or just leaving a comment on a blog, my site is listed with google as .com and it shows up in my google webmaster account as .com. Has anyone seen this before and is there a way to get it fixed.
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Have you checked to see that your website is not penalized?
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
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No I haven't but that is because i don't know how.
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Hi Mark,

In google, you can do a search like this to see if you site is even included in the results:

site: www.yoursite.com

If there are no results, then you need to submit a reinclusion request via webmaster tools.

Another thing is that your canonicalization could be messed up. You can figure that out here:

https://www.affilorama.com/site-building ... calization
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mark schaaf
Posts: 365
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well I have checked everything out and from everything I can find I see nothing wrong with my site no bad links no problems with anything my site is listed as http://www and the rest of the name so it isn't a problem of not having the www, I have checked all my stats in webmaster tools. also in webmaster tools they show like 20 or so google back links. Now my problem is still this no mater what back link checker I use whether it is Traffic travis or any of the others on the web I never show any google back links at all when i put in my full url www. including the dot com. However if I put in my url www. without the dot com Traffic travis shows me having like 67 google back links. the other 3 back link checkers showed about the same amount. So my question is still why are these google back links showing up pointing to a url that doesn't exist because there are being counted towards a site url with no dot com on the end. I just can't figure it out and the google webmaster forum isn't getting me any answers for this. you should try it with your site and see if you show any google links going to your url without the dot com on the end.
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Maybe those links haven't been checked out by google again? I mean, Google indexes a page once, then checks it out again after some time after it's updated. Perhaps Traffic Travis checked it earlier than Google did.
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