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Getting site listed in more directories - Ideas? No ads?

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Getting site listed in more directories - Ideas? No ads?

Hey guys Davin here, just wanted to get your opinion on something. My expected clearance date for my Paypal payment for hosting is on the 7th.

So question number 1. Do you think in terms of getting my site listed in more directories, I should follow Charles advice on not having any Adsense on my site as of yet. He says it helps if you don't have it look as though your site is made just for the purchase of revenue, and it isn't, but hey, of course it is too!! If you know what i mean!

Question 2. I was thinking about putting on one of those click magnet type of ads on my site that scrolls down the page with the user, to keep reminding them of joining my subscriber list. Now, in your opinion, do you think this is too over the top, and an annoyance more than anything, or do you feel that, like it's supposed to, improve my opt in percentage?

Thanx guys, your opinion is appreciated, Davin
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Concerning Question #1, I've been working for quite awhile on my website and STILL haven't monetized it. During this delicate beginning stage I want people to take me seriously at providing a good resource "just" out of the kindness of my heart.
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Leave adsense out while you submit to directories. Especially DMOZ.... just put a php include file in the page... so when you want to put adsense on your site you can put it across your entire site.... with only 1 file :D

You can try the magnet thing.... I'd wait till later though.

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I'd leave the adsense out for the moment too. You're probably better off putting more time and energy into getting traffic. Once you've got tons of people visiting, it will be worth your while and definitely easier to test that magnet ad thing.

I find those things annoying, but if you test it, you may just find that it works a treat!
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Alright guys thanx for the input, I sort of figured that would be the way to go with the Adsense thing, but just need reinforcement once in a while. I've already had to go back and rebuild my site twice, once because the site builder I was using at the time wouldn't allow me to change the html hardly at all, and another when I had to split my site up into 3, so I'm persevering but, the less mistakes the better from here on in!!

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That's right. Just keep on persevering :)

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Hi Davin,

Q1: I'm following Charle's advice on mine and not monetizing. It's the first time I've ever done so - we'll see how it goes.

Q3: the number one rule in marketing is, you don't know until you test it so I think that's what you should do. That being said... I hate those things, I immediately click off of a site when I get anything following me :wink: maybe it's 'cos I'm a woman :)

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1) It's hard to accept in the beginning, but charles advice is excellent. Secondly, you don't lose mny clicks as there are no visitors yet... (for new sites)
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thanx for your input guys

I'll stick to the plan then, pays off in the long run I'm sure

Thanx Davin
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Thats it Davin, sometimes you have to make short term sacrifices in order to really make it long term.
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