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Forum spam is affecting my page rank

Posts: 79
Joined: 23 Aug 06

Forum spam is affecting my page rank

My forum has very few actual members, but I do get about 10-15 bogus members added daily by Spam Bots. Due to this activity my forum has a page rank of 2, just from spamsters haha!

I'm about to install some anti-spam gadgets to my forum and was wondering how long it would take for my page rank to reflect the absence of the spamsters.

I wish there was a way to send a heap load of Spam Bots to my home page :D

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Posts: 1083
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Just make sure you delete their posts... don't need to link to [word banned].. it will bring your site down... I think some forums give you options to disallow the post of a live link until the user has reached "x" amount of posts.
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Posts: 79
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adrian wrote:Just make sure you delete their posts... don't need to link to [word banned].. it will bring your site down... I think some forums give you options to disallow the post of a live link until the user has reached "x" amount of posts.

Thanks, Yep I delete them daily pretty boring but necessary.

Also concerning page rank, is there a basic guide for Page Ranks generated from visits alone.

For example, I'm pretty sure my forum has very few or no links to it (Outside of the Spam Bot community) yet 15 visits a day gets it a PR2. How many visits does it take to get a PR3, PR4.... rating?

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Posts: 1083
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Visits has absolutely ZERO to do with your pagerank value... you must have a link pointing to it either from your site or from somewhere else... do a backlink check because PR is getting passed from somewhere :)
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adrian wrote:Visits has absolutely ZERO to do with your pagerank value... you must have a link pointing to it either from your site or from somewhere else... do a backlink check because PR is getting passed from somewhere :)

I just did a backlink check with Traffic Travis for the 4 major search engines.

It says there are just 3 backlinks....2 from my home page/index page which is a PR2 and 1 from ysearchblog.com which is PR6 (incidentally the ysearchblog has nothing to do with my sites subject matter)

Is that enough to give a PR2?
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Yup... how did you get a backlink from Yahoo's blog? lol
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