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eHow.com for Article Marketing?

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eHow.com for Article Marketing?

Have noticed that articles featured on eHow.com often outrank those on EzineArticles.

Traffic Travis (a great tool) shows big PR, age and BL numbers for eHow pages, whereas for EzineArticles these columns are zeros.

I'm wondering if this means that an individual post from eHow inherits the PR, age and BLs from the mother site?

Anyone have any experience using eHow for article marketing purposes?

Thanks, Joe
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I didn't use them yet, but it's in my calendar, I'll post a report once I'm done. I'm entering a brand new niche, and ehow is in my backlink/traffic generator toolkit.

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Last edited by michellerana on 08 Nov 09 6:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Google determines what PR deeper pages on a site, like ehow, gets, due to the demise of the PR sculpting technique which allowed webmasters to control the flow of link juice.

The Fetch Top Sites feature in Traffic Travis is a good way to see which of the social media sites (like ehow or ezinearticles) ranks best for a range of niche-related keywords.
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I just signed up to ehow.com looking to submit my first article there an couldn't find any way to do it.

The only thing I found was submitting an application to be a writer for ehow.com through a site called Demand Media Studios

isnare.com and a few other high ranking directories were the same way in regard to not being able to just sign up and submit articles. Does anyone know why this is?
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eHow.com isn't really an article directory, even if it has lost and lots of articles. It's more of a solutions website where you can find answers to all sorts of questions.

They select their writers depending on merit. They take on those with the highest levels of expertise in each respective area/topic. They do this to maintain the quality of their site.
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Also, if you were to get into ehow, you would probably want to make sure that you could add do-follow links to those articles. No-follow is ok since they have a potential for a good amount of direct traffic, but if you are already doing all that work to get in there, might as well get the additional seo benefit.
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I believe there is a misunderstanding here about what eHow.com is. It's not an article directory where you can freely submit any article and insert any links into your article.

eHow pays its authors/contributors and they take on only recognized experts in each field. An author/contributor does not really get to insert links to his own sites into his articles.
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