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Don't Waste Your Time Just On SEO

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Don't Waste Your Time Just On SEO

SEO can not be your only traffic source today. In fact with all the changes that google is doing just about everyday id just stay away from SEO and focus on other traffic strategies such as facebook, youtube, forums and countless others.

Eventually you will start and see some organic results coming form your tracking source and by not depending on it you will just get a bonus of extra traffic.

Google makes their money by the paid results so now they figured out how to make changes not like very two or four years but like everyday now almost.

Besides how can you have control over your business when your relying on a 3rd party. Just my thought...
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Hi marketsearch,

I agree that we should all look for alternative sources of traffic, and not rely on just one, or on what search engines can bring. But I don't believe SEO is a waste of time, or that we should avoid wasting time on SEO. It still pays to have your on-page SEO down pat and to comply with current off-page SEO rules. Having good on-page and off-page SEO helps get your site brownie points from search engines and could lead to better ranking, and therefore, more traffic.

My two cents. Have a good day!
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Well, I am not sore. SEO could be a waist of time if you don't do a little homework with Google an do it in the right way. I got hit by Google a couple of times but my site went right back when I complied with the changes.
Payed traffic can suck up all your money if you don't know what you are doing. Once you know what you are doing, I guess both ways are lucrative.
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Thank you guys. I tell you when I first got started online I spent the first couple of years working with SEO and its actually quit addicting to be honest! I'm a strong believer and still am that the true power of being online does lye getting free organic traffic.

Something Iv learned though that there are other traffic sources out there that work just as good and better so its very, very important to diversify your strategies. Trouble with SEO traffic you really do not have a ton of control over it.

Yes, that one of the most important steps to success and maintaining it is education and keeping up to date. I use to swear at google all the time. When I first got started online I was earning around $400 a day with their adsense program and I did that for a few months before I knew about scaling and then I woke up the day a deposit was suppose to take place to find out my account had been suspended Over $12,000 per month gone, just like that! Today I understand it was nobody else's fault except mine. If I kept up to date with their TOS I could have avoided the pain altogether.
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aveya marketing
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I think to a certain extent SEO is fine, if you have the patients AND time.. Right?

I still know people who are still effectively making money from it, maybe traffic has been slightly effected. This year, I asked myself two questions, how much do I value my time, and how much patients do I have.

If one has the patients, SEO is for you. However if you value your time and it out weighs your patients, then SEO is not for you.
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Yes I believe that SEO is only for those who've got 3 simple but crucial things to succeed, well known as 3 Ps...

Passion, Persistence and Patience

Goodluck folks!
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cecille.l wrote:Hi marketsearch,

I agree that we should all look for alternative sources of traffic, and not rely on just one, or on what search engines can bring. But I don't believe SEO is a waste of time, or that we should avoid wasting time on SEO. It still pays to have your on-page SEO down pat and to comply with current off-page SEO rules. Having good on-page and off-page SEO helps get your site brownie points from search engines and could lead to better ranking, and therefore, more traffic.

My two cents. Have a good day!

I agree with Cecille. She is right in saying that strict adherence to off-page linking rules can make a world of difference to a website's rankings. SEO is never a waste of time!!!
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SEO is becoming more and more difficult. Google is becoming smarter and it is not rare that you are on 1 page on altavista, bing, yahoo search engines and penalized or banned from Google. Then we have Startpage that talk bad about Google and then get the result from Google so if you are banned in google , you will automatically be in Startpage too. When are they going to create their own result in Startpage ? They spit in Google's plate and then they eat from that plate!
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I agree facebook, youtube, and twitter are the way to get traffic nowaday. SEO is still prevalent but not as important as before.

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Interesting thought: "Don't Waste Your Time Just On SEO"

I'm focusing on SEO right now and I'm not getting the results I expected. But when I write fresh content and send it to some good article directories I instantly get traffic.

Right now I'm planning to write the best content I can and making my favorite website grow.

We could add something to that statement: "...and don't focus only on microsites because they have no future (and no present)"

I'm starting to think that John Reese was probably right whe he said that we should focus on "Traffic" and building only one "Authority site"
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Seo must been just a part of a webmarekting strategy, but i go on to thik that is one of the best practice to do to increase your popularity.
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I still consider myself a newbie after trying for 2 years off and on. However, I don't think SEO is a waste of time. First, I found researching Google and Bing to be a gold mine of knowledge on just getting started. Secondary, at the very least, it forces you to optimize your pages for quality and original content. Finally, because SEO is free with all the possibilities of getting at least some customers, your time is well spent.
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White hat SEO requires time and it is not a easy job. It could not be achieved through easy processes.
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