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Best URL shortener?

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Best URL shortener?

For example, Bitly or Tinyurl?
(Discussion is open to others too!)

Bitly PROS
Bitly is one of the oldest and largest link shorteners, meaning you can trust that it won't go away anytime soon.

Widely trusted
When people see a bit.ly link, they don't usually think, "ooh sketchy link".

Protection from malicious sites
Anti spam measure and tools mean people that follow your bitly links can be confident that they won't lead to a dangerous site. Bitly links cannot be changed, meaning a trusted link will stay safe.

Shortest and multiple short domains
Bitly provides bit.ly bitly.com and j.mp
If character count matters, you cannot get a domain shorter than j.mp

Tinyurl PROS
Custom URLs.
TinyURL allows users to create more descriptive short URLs rather than a randomly generated mix of letters and numbers.

Preview feature
On TinyURL's website you can enable URL previews if you want to see where the link goes before clicking on it.

https://www.slant.co/versus/2591/22693/ ... vs_tinyurl

(Thanks to Affilorama's Customer Success Manager Richell for having pointed me to this subject!)
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First of all, those URL shortener is not FIT for Affiliates marketer those who doesn't have website. Because social media wouldn't accept this kind of link (Spam one). It doesn't cloak your URL it just redirecting to the original link.

2nd - there is no Bitly pro version there is Bitly Enterprise version.If you are going for Enterprise version you have the ability to use your own Custom Domain name and other stuff.

3rd - TinyURL doesn't have pro version (it is free tracking and URL shortner),i think you are talking about Chrome Extension are you ? https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... aoldiinoob. Extension use the same method as tinyURL main site you don't need chrome extension to do that.

Here my recommendation -
1. Get domain (free or yearly plan) and use it to redirect .
2. There are so many 3rd parties paid cloaking tools available namely Clickmeter, Click .org,Clickmagick etc which basically hide the link to your custom domain name not simply Redirecting to the original URL.

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There really is no "best" URL shortener out there. You use different URL shorteners for different reasons like, you would use the Bitly Enterprise so you use custom domain or your own domain.

Still, they are all just URL shorteners. They do not mask affiliate links which as an affiliate marketer is what you should look for.

If you are using Wordpress, there are plenty of plugins you can use to do this like the Pretty Links plugin.

All the best!
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Bitly and TinyUrl are among the best URL shortener available. Both these tools gives the best options for users to create URL shortener.
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Bit.ly is the most popular and one of the oldest URL shortners. It offers instant tracking, stats, and the ability to have vanity URLs that signify your brand
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Responsive Website Design
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Why you guys so confused with Redirection and Cloaking or masking ?

-- Redirection is simply directing your Affiliate link or URL to the original URL that is "not permanent" whereas Cloaking or masking is much different method then redirection and it is permanent. It is one of the most common method before "Funnel" and it is been use on Soloads . Cloaking is completely Hiding/masking your original URL (affiliate link)to the new URL (Your domain) that you have specify .

Like (example):
-- your affiliate link -xyz .com/aff=123 when you use redirection tools like bitly or TinyURL it will shorten your URL and give you something like bit. ly/yourCTA
-- Now if you use any Cloaking or Masking tools like i added above the output is much better and it will be something like this yourdomain .com/yourCTA

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bitly shortener is best. It comes with analytics and customization options, as well as the paid version for business.
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Digital Marketing Company in Chennai
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Thanks for sharing the most important informaton! I also use Bitly for URL shortner because this is the best one to others.
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Bitly is just one of the greatest websites for shortener and you don't have to sign up. It's simple and best.
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Thanks for sharing valuable information and yes bitly is one the best url shortner tool
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Bitly is one of the most usable and best URL shortener tool.
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I would like to suggest you Ow.ly by Hootsuite. Sites like Pinterest block bit.ly links because of a lot of spam activities using bit.ly. So try something different than the normally used.
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Posts: 39
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Bitly and TinyUrl are one of the very best URL shortener available. These two tools provides the best choices for consumers to make URL shortener.
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Posts: 105
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Bitly is the most reliable url shortener. It is simple & easy.
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Posts: 14
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Well, I personally use Bitly and TinyUrl as these both are among the best URL shortener available and user friendly and like others said
Bit.ly is the best and most popular and one of the oldest one too .
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I Support bilty, because it is the most popular one for shortening the url and useful to share your links in social media

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Bitly is useful I recently started using RR LINX for URL-shortener.
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I use bit.ly and it is the best URL shortener tool to publish yours links in social media.
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