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Are Link Wheels bad?

Posts: 47
Joined: 25 Nov 09

Are Link Wheels bad?


I have been using linkwheels for a few months now and the results have been good. Now I read on the traffic travis SEO offpage lesson that it is bad to loop your links like site A----->B----->C---->D---->E----->F------>G--------->back to A.

FYI - The linkwheel is usually web 2.0 sites with your keyword phrase in the URL, meta title, descrpition, H1 tag, and also 2-5% in your content. The content is original 600 word article. All pages have original content and one link to the next page in the wheel and one link to the money site so it pours linkjuice into the money site.

But now I read on Traffic Travis that you should not do a closed loop for linking pages to your moneysite. So I have two questions:

1) Are you sure about that? Does it really count them all as "reciprocol links"
2) So then it would be all good just to break one of the links like from D---->E? Then is there still a problem with A--->B---->Moneysite---->A??

Thanks in advance,
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Posts: 752
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While link wheels seem to have good results at first, long term you generally get penalized for it as Google realizes its just set up for the purpose of backlinks.

Its like a reciprocal link except it takes longer for the search engines to conenct the dots.
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What about this one:

http://bubbl.us/view.php?sid=281085&pw= ... YTNPdnJLYw

Or this one:


BTW, I have to give lemonarian the credit for inventing the linkwheel....

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Posts: 869
Joined: 14 Mar 08
Hi Noob,
Those look fine to me as they are not closed loops.
alot of peoples SEO strategies use these linking strategies.

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So many people do the loop that Google may catch on (if they didn't already). In fact those loop (or link wheel) or nothing new. Back in the day, it was a tactic from Mike with "nothing but net" for old school affiliates.

Today, the word is: build a quality site, with a lot of backlinks, of course, but make sure that you vary your linking strategy and don't leave any footprint.

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Yeah I agree Franck,
Get lots of cross linking and link backs.
Don't just go around in a big circle linking stuff together.. Google are not that dumb.
Make it look as natural as possible.

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Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize
they were the big things.

-- Robert Brault

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