03 Apr 12 4:11 am
Hello Paul,
It certainly looks like you're on the right track. However, you're right in that 840 visitors is a lot to have without a sale (and, probably, opt-ins). This could happen for a couple of reasons: your site is repelling visitors, or you have targeted keywords with low buyer intent. The latter can be fixed "easily" - the latter is just frustrating, and means you need to take another look at your keywords.
In any case, I took a quick look at your homepage.
I don't think there's anything wrong with the ad you have, nor its placement - I suspect it's the formatting and content of the homepage, driving people away.
Your text is very full on. Easy-to-read is good, but this introduction may be a little too much for new visitors. If you take a look at
http://www.wowblackbook.com/, the template AffiloBlueprint site, you'll notice the text stays consistent.
The next thing is that you have a lot of content on the homepage, making it very "tall", but there's nothing there breaking it up. Add in a heading for each section of content on the homepage - readers use Headings to give them clues about each section of the content and whether it's relevant to them, and if they don't see headers, or can't see a relevant header, they'll ignore the content.
I also recommend adding a line of space between each Youtube video, and possibly centre-aligning them.
I'd also recommend duplicating your opt-in box and moving it well up the page - it's a very long way to scroll to get to an opt-in box (I only scrolled all the way to the bottom, because that's where I expected to see the opt-in)
Matthew (esolutions) is right in saying your text-size is really tight. Part of this will be using a bigger than normal font size. If you know CSS you can change the line-height attribute of your text, otherwise you might need to make your text a bit smaller.
My final comment is that you should possibly put a bit of work into your header. Your header is like the banner over your shop front - it's the first thing people see, and it needs to tell people who your site is, what it's about, and why they should stick around in the first glance. The images are good, but don't just have the "superiorwowguide.com" as the text (especially not as orange text on a red background). Make the title something like "Superior WoW Guide" with a subtitle like "Bring your World of Warcraft gameplay to a whole new level". It tells the visitor who you are, and why they should be there.