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Newbie confusion -How does all in one seo work ?

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Joined: 26 Nov 09

Newbie confusion -How does all in one seo work ?


I am a bit confused about the all in one seo plugin and how it works. I am a newbie setting up my first sites. My confusion is this..

1. In the Wordpress setup there is a field in the "add post " for a title ( in which I have included my keyword , which is also the keyword of my domain )... then once I installed the all in one seo plugin , there is another field for a title ( in this I also used the main keyword as well as some other text ) My question... do these two have to be the same or can they be different ... and what is the purpose of each ? how are they different in function ?

2.Then in the setting fields there is a site title ( which I used the keyword ) and a tagline ( which I used to describe the site ) I understand that the tagline and title is what appears in the google listing ... is this correct ?But my query is that in the all in one seo plugin fields there is another field for seo description. Do I understand that this is the meta description ?Here I put the keyword in again with a description of the site. My query is in what way is this different from the description in the tagline... do the two have to be the same and in what practical way are they different... what is the difference in purpose of each ? Do they have to be the same ?

Thanks in advance for your help

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Posts: 3918
Joined: 19 Jun 09
Hi Chantelle,

The info on the settings tab and in the All iN One SEO should be the same info. The All in one seo will override the defualt settings tab for your home page titile and description/tag line. The main title of your blog will be what shows up in search results for your home page, but it is also what will show up as the page title in the browser tabs.

the all in one plugin overrides what is entered in the Settings>>General tab when you set up the plugin. they basically serve the same function but the plugin takes over when you add it to your blog.

Make sure you fill out the info for your home page within the settings>> all in one plugin tab, so that it reads all of your home page information correctly.

On each post for your site, at the end of the post there will be a field to fill in all of your SEO meta information for that individual post. all of you SEO data for that specific post should be entered there for your posts to show the right info.

on each post you will have 3 fields

Title is your meta title, and should be the same as the post title. this is what will show in search results for your page title as well as in the browser tab when people open your posts.

Description - this is the meta description where you tell google what your page is relevant to. it should be one or two sentencese (less than 160 characters) describing what your post is about and include a soft call to action to read your post. this is what will show in search results, as well as on bookmarking sites, and other sites that you use for link building.

Keyword - probably the most worthless tag on a site, since many people use it to stuff keywords, however is still beneficial for rankings with Bing search, although Google ignores it. put one or two keywords here that you want to rank for but I would recommend no more than 2.
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Posts: 101
Joined: 26 Nov 09
Hi James

Thanks a lot for a very comprehensive reply... thanks for taking the time to help me

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Posts: 101
Joined: 26 Nov 09
Hi again

Just one last thing I need to clear up...

When you mention that the post settings and the all in one seo settings should be the same... I am confused about which post settings you mean. There are two titles in the blog - the title on the blog edit page itself and the title under the general settings ... which title should correspond to the all in one seo ... and should the two "blog " titles be the same as well ? I know the one actually appears in the google listing while the other on doesnt.

Also by the description / tagline I assume you mean the one under settings ?

At the risk of asking you more time than you can spare could I also ask you what the H2 and H3 titles are and what I should optimise these as .

Thanks a lot in advance if you can help

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