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What is white hat, grey hat and black hat SEO?

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Joined: 27 Jun 17

What is white hat, grey hat and black hat SEO?

What are White hat, Grey hat and Black hat techniques in SEO?
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In layman's terms, White Hat SEO covers techniques that are in line with search engine's terms and rules. Black Hat SEO covers techniques that are not favorable to search engines. These techniques can get you banned. The Grey Hat SEO on the other hand, is a combination of the white and black hat techniques. Still, grey hat for me is black hat SEO. We only practice and recommend white hat techniques in Affilorama. You can get your free SEO tutorials here.
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White Hat SEO Technique- Which is completely done according to Google Algorithms.
Black Hat SEO- Which is against the Google Algorithm.
Grey Hat SEO- Which is the mixture of white and black hat SEO.
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White Hat SEO: It is practice which follows search engine guidelines to improve search performance in search engine result page.Some of the white hat techniques are using descriptive and keyword-rich meta tags,quality content,back-linking and link building.

Black Hat SEO: They go against the search engine rules to increase page rank in search engine result page.It includes techniques like using unrelated keywords in page content,keyword stuffing,hidden content and gateway pages.

Grey Hat SEO: It is a practice of technically legal methods to improve rankings but are ethically unclear.It consists of techniques like duplicating content,link buying and purchasing old domains.
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Thank you for giving informations.
White hat techniques are all designed to getting organic search results with quality content for a blog or a website. It includes number of techniques: securing quality inbound links, creating original, long form quality content. Use of keywords, keyword analysis and create descriptive, keyword meta tags.

Black SEO is the one of the aggressive strategy used in the SEO. This tactics focus only on the search engine result page ranking than visitors. Website will be banned or penalized from search engine, if uses these black techniques. Some of the black hat techniques are keyword stuffing, Duplicate content, Cloaking, Link farming.

Grey hat technique is a practice of using technical legal methods to improve site ranking.
Some Grey hat techniques are:
[list=]SEO squatting
Create social media account for your pets
Redesign your website at regular interval
Add a comments box to your site and invite anyone to comment
Use Facebook, Google+, Tweeter button[/list]
But all above techniques fall outside the scope of white hat techniques.
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Posts: 85
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White Hat SEO refers to any practice that improves your search performance on a search engine results page (SERP)while maintaining the integrity of your website and staying within the search engines' terms of service.
Black Hat SEO is most commonly defined as a disapproved practice that nevertheless could increase a page's ranking in a search engine result page (SERP). These practices are against the search engine's terms of service and can result in the site being banned from the search engine and affiliate sites.
Grey Hat as the practice of tactics/techniques which remain ill-defined by all that published material coming out of Google, and for which reasonable people (not White Hat SEOs, mind you, but “reasonable people”) could disagree on how the tactics support or contrast with the “spirit” of Google’s published guidelines.
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